Monday, January 29, 2007 |
Global? |
oooooo look...... Seems my blog has now been accessed from the states... do that mean it's gone global now??? *heh*
Anyway, it's been a busy few days... And this week isn't going to be any better from that point of view... Between appointments and meetings and groups and prep it's going to be a crazy busy week. So we'll see. It'll be a good week, and hopefully a lot will be achieved =) Much to be getting on with anyway.
Yesterday was an ok day... but the boys at the jnr. bible class in the morning were just awful. A couple of our boys have ADHD and others just have an inability to stop talking, so yeh the joys of working with young people. *duh* But Anathallo was good last night... Heather and I were in a group together with the girls, unusual, but good =) Learned loads, and the young people seemed to learn loads too... Very encouraging =)
Anyway - much to be getting on with... Was just excited when i saw that i had gone 'global' *hehe*Labels: bible class, clustrMaps, encouragment, international, locations, prep |
posted by TLT @ 11:23 am |
Saturday, January 27, 2007 |
Bored... |
I'm bored... like really bored. Like really really really bored... i'm trying to keep today as my day off as i've already had a crazy-busy week without a day off, and i know i won't get another day off until next Saturday... but the result has been that i'm practically climbing the walls... *grrrr*
I"m unbelievably bored... have been playing my game boy sp loads... (oh yeah, forgot to tell you about that... I got it for me off of ebay last week along with some games... I just want it for Mario Bros *hehe*) I'm on the last last last level of Mario land 2 and failing miserably at getting over the last hurdle with it which is rather annoying... but i'm still soooo bored. Like really bored... I think i may go to bed soon in the hope that i'll sleep early... heh, like that would happen.
I still haven't done any cooking experimentation yet... i shall though... was gonna go get some stuff today, but didn't in the end... just hung about here and got bored instead... and when i eventually decided i would go out it was raining - so wouldn't go out then... *heh* blah... ach well.Labels: bored, Game Boy SP, Mario Brothers, Mario Land |
posted by TLT @ 9:40 pm |
Thursday, January 25, 2007 |
the adventures of cooking... |
I want to be more adventurous with cooking... any ideas? any recipes?
i find it amusing that no one gave me any cook books for Christmas... Isn't it stuff like that you get when you reach a certain age that labels you 'old'? *sads*
*hmmm* i think i should find a recipe that i want to try and buy the stuff for it and have a wee cooking experiment...Labels: cook books, Home Cooking, recipes |
posted by TLT @ 9:33 pm |
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 |
Shattered... |
Had a really good weekend... the conference was miles better than i thought it was going to be (yes i was having pessimistic tendancies about it before i went) and it was helpful and inspiring, and yeh, it was good... am hopeful that the church will also encourage other youth leaders to go next time...
It's been manic trying to catch up since though... *eeek* which kinda sucks if i'm honest. But it's ok really... today especially was just prep prep prep followed by work all night... and i mean all night... 6:30pm - 11pm... craziness... but it was a good night though so i'm not going to complain, and I feel that Glenshee is soooo much more organised now... so yeh. Happier. Am still knackered though... and plenty to be getting on with tomorrow...
am sleepy...Labels: Deep Impact Conference, Glenshee, inspiration, prep, tired |
posted by TLT @ 11:58 pm |
Thursday, January 18, 2007 |
Do i still have a brain? |
Right well i've been pretty exhausted the last couple of days... think it's just a result of a few days which were none stop... BUt yeh.. had my appointments day on Tuesday... am now getting weened off the pills i'm on for my head coz apparently i shouldn't really be on them long term *shrugs* so yeh. Meanwhile the doc at Stobhill wants to check my head to make sure i still have a brain *heh* So i'm gonna have to go back for a scan at some point... not exactly what i would call a thrilling day trip, but we'll see how it goes... just a precaution, nothing more.
That aside, i'm trying to do some prep today... got a bit of a sore tummy though *sads* oh well...
ooooo we have had snow... it was white when i woke up this morning *grins* i may post a pic later if i can be bothered...Labels: brain scan, CT scan, diclofenac, doctors, snow, Stobhill hospital, tired |
posted by TLT @ 1:52 pm |
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 |
good good... |
today has been a good day...
unusually good in some senses... but yeh.
met up with a friend from church for a coffee... then went food shopping. Then went to the funeral of Jimmy Reid... I had never actually met him, but he had been the church officer a Kenmure before i'd come here and so i'd heard plenty about him... I hadn't actually planned to go, but i did in the end, and was kinda glad that i had... he was a good man. =)
other than that the friend mentioned above ended up actually coming up to mine for lunch in the end and spending most of the afternoon here. Was good... Then dad came and i cooked dinner *yum* And then i headed off to youth band tonight which was good... was a good laugh... best its been in a while =)
I have various doc appointments tomorrow though *ick* which i'm not really looking forward to *blah* but oh well, has to be done...
but anyway - thought i was due you all an update...Labels: doctors, friends, funeral |
posted by TLT @ 12:35 am |
ooo i've gone international! |
look ---->
it seems that my blog has gone international... somewhere in south east Asia... To start with i thought it may have been a friend in Singapore, but then i was reminded that my detailed knowledge of geography is pathetic... *heh* so yeh.
Ach well...
Church was good this morning... was nice to be back. Really tired though. And my head hurts somewhat... although i think that is probably aggrevated by just being so tired. And no, i wasn't up really late last night xP
Anyway - i'm hungry.Labels: church, clustrMaps, international, locations, tired |
posted by TLT @ 1:12 pm |
Saturday, January 06, 2007 |
oh dear... my sister is going to experience the consequences... |
oh my... ok... so i eventually make it to bed at like 3am... and this is what i'm greeted with...

I'm not one for revenge... but perhaps on this occassion... *evil grin*
I have 10 words for Fiona....
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but i'll get ya!
*evil grin*
xPLabels: laugh, revenge |
posted by TLT @ 1:05 pm |
Friday, January 05, 2007 |
back in glasgow |
Got back into Glasgow a couple of hours ago... slowly trying to find new homes for all of the new stuff i got for christmas and what not... it was good to be home for a bit... now just got to get myself back to being focused on work though... just gonna chill tonight though 'n 'hit the books' so to speak tomorrow i think... well i'll have to *heh* got prep to do for Sunday morning and Sunday night *wooop* it'll be nice to see all of the yp again =)
What has happened over the past while i hear you ask?
Well... I went home on Christmas eve in time for Christmas... was at my aunt's for Christmas dinner on Christmas day... i got a freezer from Santa *grins*
uh... other seeing of peeps, and general resfulness as i was actually feeling quite ill at times... by the time i had gone home i was full of the cold... lovely gunk in my chest 'n all that jazz... and my headaches certainly didn't let up while i was away either *what joy* so yeh...
Hogamany, we just had our usual open house which was the usual laugh =) And then New Years Day dinner at Fiona's - her first Christmas meal - was nice too *grins*.
This morning however was a very early start... 5:30am no less! but the reason for that was because we had to be in Edinburgh for 10am for a friends funeral. Cath Horne... she was our next door neighbour when we lived in Tweedbank... she was a great lady... Always greeted life with a smile. I've not seen her for a couple of years, but i'll miss her, loads. She'll be happy now though =) So much to be learned from her, even now that she has gone... |
posted by TLT @ 4:29 pm |
About Me |

Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
See my complete profile
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