Saturday, January 31, 2004 |
Got a decent nights sleep last night - AT LAST! Although i was up quite late reading the first Harry Potter book.
Today, I'm planning to make a decent start on an essay i have due in just over a weeks time and the perhaps this evening i might go to the cinema. Although that depends on the weather. It's snowing quite heavily here at the moment although a bit slushy in places but stil *YAY*.
posted by TLT @ 12:41 pm |
Friday, January 30, 2004 |
thats the sound that woke me up rather rudely at 4:30 this morning!!!!!!!! took a while for me to 'come-to' and actually get up and get shoes and a jacket on before rushing off down the stairs, out into the cold, and the pouring rain - argh! BUt yet again, it was another false alarm... we were greeted again by four (not so happy) fire engines... but who would blame them. This is the 7th time we've had a false alarm since October, 4 of which were over a period of 48 hours. And it's NOT a student cooking in the kitchens in the residence that's causing the problem, it's the alarm on the second floor where the classrooms and offices are... but it's a fault that they STILL haven't managed to fix! ARGH...
here's to ANOTHER term of sleeples nights!
posted by TLT @ 12:46 pm |
Thursday, January 29, 2004 |
Got out of class early today coz we had a guest speaker... was quite good... although been tearing my hair out with trying to get my PC to playback sound for a computer programme that i bought for the music group. It's not working :-( maybe eventually it will work......... I can't wait to get my powerbook (mac)... i'll be poor once i buy it, but it'll be worth it!
Anyway - i'm off for food and then off to placement.
posted by TLT @ 5:21 pm |
Wednesday, January 28, 2004 |
Emily and i didn't go to the cinema earlier as we ended up too engrossed in what we were doing... But i've managed to get my external placement for next term sorted. It's at a Com ed centre in Castlemilk...
not had anymore snow since this morning... but it's still lying... heheh...
Got residence worship tonight... having it tonight instead of tomorrow because one of the residents is leaving... Nympa from Nigeria who was here doing his masters, flies home to his family on Friday, so we're have a farewell tonight!
must dash x |
posted by TLT @ 8:45 pm |
It's been snooooooooooooooooooooowing!!!!!! and it's very cold outside!!!!! I luckily don't have placement today though, which means i don't have to wait in the freezing cold for a bus *YAY*. Today's my study day, so it's a reading preparing day. Hoping to go to the cinema for an early showing later, although not sure what we're going to see yet... |
posted by TLT @ 12:37 pm |
Tuesday, January 27, 2004 |
Well i'm currently on a break from my 'Community research' class. Is pretty good again today - quite interesting. New Testement this morning however was something chronic. The lecturer gives you notes and then reads them to you word for word (well more or less), and the lecture is for 3 hours, so you're sleeping by the end of it!!!!!!!! One of my friends was sitting playing a computer game for most of the class today - was quite amusing, heheh.
Music group at church last night was great!! the group are really beginning to listen to each other and play well together. I'm well pleased with them. Hoping that they'll do a song in a couple of weeks time in church!
Anyway - got to head back to class. Got church again tonight - Girls brigade again, so that means we'll be doing that really hard dancing again! and i only JUST recovered from last week! d'oh!
posted by TLT @ 3:55 pm |
Monday, January 26, 2004 |
Well... I did the Children's address at church for the first time yesterday. We were talking about superheroes, and the biggest hero of them all - Guess who - JESUS!!!! ;-) It was quite good, had them all up doing the actions to 'My God is so big' as well - good fun!
Also went to a youth event called Catalyst on the south side of Glasgow - it was AMAZING! The speaker spoke for 45mins and you could have heard a pin drop the whole time. Great worship from their band too. Definitely something for me to think about taking my older youth to! God is goooooooooooooood! |
posted by TLT @ 11:41 am |
Saturday, January 24, 2004 |
Well... I'm shattered. Was up talkin to a friend till pretty late (i wont' tell you what time). We were at a concert last night at my placement church in aid of LOWERO which is a charity in Uganda. A friend of mine from the college, Gabriel had a vision to creat a school, clinic, and orphanage home there and bought a plot of land a few years ago, and he's been in the UK for the past 4 months or so going round various churches and encouraging them to support his cause. So last night we had a concert and silent auction in my church in aid of his cause and it was fantastic!!!!!! If you want anymore details about how to support Gabriel's cause, or you would just like to know more, then please drop me an email and i'll help you out...
When you see someone as dependant on God as Gabriel, you can't help but be inspired...
cya x |
posted by TLT @ 12:09 pm |
Friday, January 23, 2004 |
Yes this was the response of some poor ICC resident yesterday morning when they walked into one of the kitchens to find that a frying pan full of oil had been left on the cooker!!!! apparently it didn't quite catch fire, but a few seconds later it would have!!!! (Can i just point out that this didn't happen in my kitchen, so no one can blame me *cheesy grin*) So that was our excitement for yesterday, although there is the draw-back that our corridor now stinks of smoke, and there is the worrying point that the fire alarm wasn't triggered (and believe me some of the rooms were even full of smoke when we got back) so there was PLENTY of smoke around to trigger it. Luckily they called an engineer to come and see what was up!
Other than that I managed to loosen up my legs a bit for 'Inspired' last night and we had a great night - *YAY*
Lots of class reading to do today though - so i'd better head off
posted by TLT @ 12:48 pm |
Thursday, January 22, 2004 |
Still aching like mad after doing cheerleading with the girls brigade on Tuesday night!!!! Got the dance and drama group tonight 'Inspired' though, so should be good. We do mainly Christian sketches and dances, preparing for the chance to use them as part of worship in the church.
Today is the day of prayer at college, so instead of classes, we've had 2 very good worship sessions, 2 short talks on different types of prayer, and a talk by an OASIS rep promoting their new gap-year scheme for Frontline in Scotland - sounds really good - if you know any 18-25 year old Christians in need of a year out working in communities then Frontline is the place to go!!!!
Anyway - i'm hungry and off for lunch :-) |
posted by TLT @ 12:57 pm |
Wednesday, January 21, 2004 |
Right... i'm gonna use this properly now...
Life here in the college is going ok at the moment, although really busy... some of the morning looking for pictures for Superheroes for my Children's Address at church on Sunday. Then carried on into the afternoon doing more preparation for my placement... yes i guess you have guessed it - Youth work is a very busy and full job to be in.... Then was blessed of having my dad come to visit for a while, and then taking me out to dinner *YAY* (and mum was reaaaaaaaaally jealous - hehehe) And since then i've been chilling when i should have been doing some more prep (transposition for music group) but i'm about to head off to do that now..... *YAY*
College has a day of prayer tomorrow, and we're getting a special speaker - should be good.
posted by TLT @ 9:51 pm |
Hi and welcome to my new blog... just trying this out - thought it might be useful since i'm away from home so that folk can catch up with me from time to time!!!!
TLT x |
posted by TLT @ 9:38 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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