My random ramblings...
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37v4.   
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Barcaple youth weekend away
So we're taking our young people away in... 1 day and 15 hours time...

i'd really appreciate it if you would stand in prayer with me about it...

prayer points:
* we have a diverse range of yp attending from no relationship with God, to very passionate about God and walking daily with him - so if you could pray that all teaching would speak to all then that would be great!
* that we would all be safe not only in travel to and from (we've had a lot of snow with more on the way) but also during the outdoor activities that the centre has planned for us =)
* that there would be unquestionable unity amongst the team leading.
* that our focus would be completely on God - for yp and leaders.
* that yp would come to christ and know his love.

thanks =) xx

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posted by TLT @ 1:40 am   0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Steve Strong Show...
This is Stephen Strong at his best... like really!!! XD

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posted by TLT @ 12:35 am   0 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
The excitement is building...
So... for the past 4 years we've been taking our youth from Kenmure on a youth weekend every year in February... we go to an adventure centre somewhere in scotland. The last 3 years we've been at the Compass Christian Centre in Glenshee, this year for a change we've opted to got to the Abernethy Trust Centre in Barcaple. It's not been without it's challenges so far, but i'm really looking forward to getting there and getting into it all =)

Our theme for the weekend is 'This is our God'. The idea behind this is that we have such a huge diversity amongst the young people (both age - P7-S6 and spiritual maturity - no Christian understanding to passionate for living for God) and so we've gone for this theme as it will hopefully allow us to really enable all groups to engage with God... either for the first time, or deepen a relationship they already have with God =)... The plan is to have 5 teaching sessions, each looking at who God is.
Friday night - God is Love
Saturday morning - God is a Stronghold
Saturday evening - God is a Redeemer
Sunday morning - God is Truth
Sunday afternoon - God is unending
The intention is to start each session with a big sheet of paper with the characteristic on it i.e. 'Love' and get the yp all to tell us what they think this means and write that onto it... Then we'll unpack what it means for God. So really looking forward to that =)

Aside from the sessions we have activities too =) so we'll be doing various team challenges, abseiling, zip wire... it's going to be lots of fun... yes we'll all be knackered by the time we get home, but it only happens once a year =)

stay tuned for thoughts after the weekend =)

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posted by TLT @ 12:03 pm   0 comments
MLTP training...
So this weekend I've been in Dunblane for my latest MLTP training weekend (Mission Leaders Training Programme for the Church of Scotland)... I had kinda been dreading it coz i knew I had a lot of work still to do for the upcoming week with the church to The Abernethy Centre in Barcaple down past Dumfries... But it was actually a really gd weekend. Even almost relaxing in some ways. Had a few sessions, some role play (what joy) and I learned not to be too warey of wee babies LOL.

One of the couples involved in the Task Group for Impact (that organise the weekend) had their wee 7 week old daughter Lucy with them... and within 2 mins of walking into the room her dad Colin had put her in my arms.. now i'm not usually one for seeking to hold babies. Actually i normally have a feeling of doom whenever I have to hold one LOL, but this weekend Lucy has won my heart lol.

She's a wee darling. I think it's possible that I probably held her more this weekend than i've ever held a baby EVER! lol. Which is quite a milestone for me if i'm honest... BUt don't u think she's cute?

Anyway - I didn't mention this yet... but it would appear that my guitar has walked from the church which is very sad =( there was a glimmer of hope last night that we may have found someone that borrowed it, but it would appear not. meh.

Anyway a busy week ahead... I should really be asleep, but the GB men are winning the Curling against the USA (for now), its the 9th end (out of 10) so a close match... would really like to see it to its conclusion. hopefully. lol....

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posted by TLT @ 12:04 am   0 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Snow... from the other week LOL
I took this the other week.... mum had been asking me every day that week if we had snow in Glasgow yet (coz they had snow where she was up north) and i would always say snow... but i woke up one morning to this... and it was the really nice thick stuff =)

I love watching snow when it falls... its pretty =)


posted by TLT @ 1:07 pm   0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
LUWERO Uganda...
Well i haven't really talked about this properly on here yet...

But in July... the first 2 full weeks, I'm traveling to Uganda with a group of senior Girls Brigade and Boys Brigade young people... I've been pondering the possibility of this since about September/October when the BB captain at my church asked me if I would consider going along as he had wanted to see if any of the girls from the GB were wanting to go along this time.

Jimmy (BB Captain) took a group of 4 senior BB boys 2 years ago

but, he had wanted to give the opportunity for some girls to get to go too, which is always exciting... I had kinda hoped that I would get the opportunity to go to Uganda some time, because Gabriel is doing amazing things out there...

I first met Gabriel when I was in my first year at ICC back in 2003/2004. He was just starting off with the project back then... and if memory serves he was back in the UK trying to raise funds to buy the plot of land where the project was going to be based.

I feel i should probably explain what the project is... Basically Luwero Community Ministries consists of a 5-fold vision. Firstly a church, then a farm, a Primary school (which currently has around 300 pupils, there are hopes for a secondary school also), a health clinic (which will hopefully be up and going by the time we're they're in July) and an Orphanage. See here for more info...

But the mission has all started now for me... today i sit here with two rather sore arms thanks to the first lot of injections yesterday. heh. More next week....

but i guess I should get on... I'm sure i'll tell you all more about this as time goes on =)

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posted by TLT @ 9:45 am   0 comments
Monday, February 08, 2010
An exhausting weekend with silver lining...
Yeh... so this past weekend has been the most crazy weekend in a while. I haven't feel this exhausted and achy... (although i'm feeling a lot better than i was by the end of Saturday and yesterday i'm still feeling it today)...

So Saturday saw me bag packing for going to LUWERO the whole at the Tesco in St Rollox... It was long, but gd. Time actually passed surprisingly quickly if i'm honest... but at the same time, my legs were dead by the end of it. For some reason these days standing still for long periods of time exhausts me, which is ridiculous considering I used to have to stand for 4-6 hours at a time (easy, sometimes more) when I worked at Alldays.

but anyway... the silver lining here? We raised £864 :-O nice one eh?!

but anyway then had to make pudding for the meeting i was going to at 7pm heh... it was an ok meeting but i think i can safely safe that folks were tired, so it probably wasn't as productive as it should have been. Then I had to come home and finish off something for the Bible Class the next morning... i gave up on that rather quickly though and just went to bed completely exhausted.

Then Sunday... woke up, got to church for 9:30am and got things set up for Bible Class... had folk tell me i looked exhausted (thanks! i thought) finished there, came home and took abbie a walk (i love my pooch but that walk hurt, a lot) and came back to lunch and finishing off prep for the service in the evening, which annoyingly ended up taking up pretty much all of the afternoon, which meant no break ARGH! So was back to the church by 4:30pm to make sure things were sorted before yp started arriving the back of 5pm... only they didn't. the deal was, we were there, set up and ready to play for 5:15pm... we didn't even start practicing until nearer 5:50pm... can u sense my frustration?!

But we got there... the service went really well - twas nice.

afterwards tho a couple of things happened which just blew me away...

I dunno if i've explained this on here, but bottom line is that I'm hoping to go to LUWERO in Uganda with the young people... only the church have declined to pay anything towards it, which unfortunately put doubt into whether i was going to get to go.. I can't afford to save for something as huge as that, so it was kinda a big deal...

but my mum reminded me that if i was meant to be there, then i would be and that I should just pay my deposit (which i already had from my CHristmas money, so thanks everyone who gave me money for Christmas) and that the rest would come... So that night I stepped out in faith and paid the deposit hoping that the rest would come... which is kinda funny coz i'd spent the whole of the Deep Impact weekend 'n beyond praying for more faith...

but yeh... last night... a very gd friend of mine came up to me after the service with a n envelope which i thought was odd, and she gave it to me with a huge grin on her face... i asked if i was meant to open it there and then, and got the vibe that i should lol, only to find a wee card in it (which was very sweet) at which point she said 'there's something else in there too' and i found a cheque for quite a substantial amount of money... i was quite in shock... 'a little something to get you started on your walk of faith' said the card.... its overwhelming thinking of it even now....

anyway - so then we had Anathallo... which was great. their video project is REALLY coming on, am lovin' it... and I love how some of them come out with the most profound ideas and don't even realise it... its just soooo COOL! After that we spent some time looking at Prayer and that was really cool too... another example of me trying to push the boat out a bit... I don't want these kids to be too comfy, if we don't have challenge then we don't grow....

but anyway afterwards I was clearing up and I was about to put my laptop (which was sitting on the stage) into my bag and when i picked it up i found an envelop and on it was my name... inside was an A4 piece of paper with a large image of the Ugandan flag and a heap of cash. I don't know who it was from... I could try and guess but they didn't leave a message or a note so i can only assume that they want to remain anonymous...

I love it tho. it was such a hard weekend, emotionally, mentally and physically, but spiritually? i was built up hugely, right at the end =) LOVE it! =)

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posted by TLT @ 9:58 am   0 comments
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Busy day...
I've been exceptionally busy already today... although having said that i'm actually still in my pjs LOL - am about to go 'n have a shower 'n take abbie out a walk tho... But yeh... admin admin admin.... that has been the way of it so far today. Its gd not having to do that baking that we managed to get done last night tho... coz ultimately I have other things to get on with today... like admin. LOL.

*some times passes*

anyway... had my shower... so time to take Abbie a walk in the snow =)

oh yeh did i not say we had snow. I woke up to white stuff falling this morning. has stopped now... but its still kinda pretty =)


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posted by TLT @ 12:36 pm   0 comments
Baking videos as promised....

it was really fun.... am still knackered tho LOL

posted by TLT @ 9:41 am   0 comments
A wonderful day...
And so it has been... woke up this morning and did some stuff for work... took abbie a walk only to bump into a gd friend that i hadn't seen for a while 'n got to chat for a wee bit which was nice... took abbie home, when down to the station to catch a train into town. Had a really gd meeting with my line-manager, then came back 'n picked up Pammie on my way back to the flat... did yet another wonderful bible study on Nehemiah with her... had some tea, headed to band... Band was gd... then back to the house 'n got stuff baked for the GB tomorrow night... this time we're raising funds for those going to LUWERO... so yeh, tbh it's all gd.

I'm currently uploading a couple of videos of me 'n Pammie baking for the LUWERO stuff... i'll post them once they're up =)

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posted by TLT @ 1:30 am   0 comments
About Me

Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
See my complete profile

I'm a fan of Shaun the Sheep!

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