Friday, July 30, 2004 |
well not long back from the train up from Penrith... absolutely shattered, but had a shower and a change of clothes so now feeling a lot cleaner and happier... now i've got to go off and make myself some food from the very little food i have in the flat and then pack my bag, AGAIN, before heading off to catch the next train to Aberdeen - whoo hoo! |
posted by TLT @ 1:33 pm |
Friday, July 23, 2004 |
Well that's me just back from Badenoch camp, and it was amazing... the kids were great (although a bit trying at times) and my friends from college always make me laugh... i don't think i've laughed so much in a long time. Absolutely shattered though... it was a very active camp and on top of that we had midnight walks and then meetings at 7:30am and shifts of having to stay up till the kids either went to bed or quietened down enough so that others could... but off to Keswick tomorrow for a holiday - wooohoooo! |
posted by TLT @ 2:27 pm |
Friday, July 16, 2004 |
Troon was good again last night... was good to meet up with folks and of course to see Nettie again...getting a bit stressed now though - so much to do for camp, and i'm beginning to think that i'm not going to get all of my prep done before i go... so i might have to do some when I get there, which i was TRYING to avoid... but oh well. |
posted by TLT @ 12:05 pm |
Thursday, July 15, 2004 |
NOt everyone agrees with me (i.e. the guys from the flat that came with us last night) but i thought that Spiderman 2 was really good last night, better than the first one! suffering today though coz we didn't get back until 3am and then i couldn't sleep for a wee bit after that, so it was another late night - doh! but i'm up now and got a list of stuff to do before I head off to Troon with Nettie tonight... Apparently Phil has work for us to do when we get there - d'oh! no rest for the wicked *rolls eyes*... i'm sure it'll be fun though - summer holiday clubs always are! *wink* Camp is still becoming a bit stressful... the main problem is that some team members are communicating if they've done prep or anything so it's becoming a bit frustrating... what fun. anyway- plenty to be doing... |
posted by TLT @ 12:37 pm |
Wednesday, July 14, 2004 |
Think dad was barking up the wrong tree in his comment from my last post - hehehe...
Anyway - got up late today coz i couldn't sleep last night - what joy, but about to embark upon a busy day of bargin shopping for Camp and sorting out stuff for Kenmure before I go away for 4 weeks, and finishing it all off with a trip to the cinema to see the premiere of Spiderman 2 at midnight - whoo hooo!!!!!!!!!
*big grin* |
posted by TLT @ 1:28 pm |
Tuesday, July 13, 2004 |
woo hoo... what a lovely day... went to the cinema with Emily to see 'around the world in 80 days'. Was ok I guess... didn't think it was particularly funny, although i did laugh at some bits, and it was quite slow at the start, but generally an ok movie... Then we went shopping as Em had M&S vouchers to spend for the flat and then i went food shopping and came back... had food and now i'm rambling on here - what fun! Looks like i may possibly be heading back to Troon on Thursday night, but this time i won't be working, it'll be for pleasure.. a friend of mine wants to go and see folk and asked if i wanted to go along... so i think i might just *wink*. Dunno what i'm up to for the rest of the day... not much really. |
posted by TLT @ 5:09 pm |
Troon last night was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we danced all night and had a great time! not doing much today though - will probably head off to the cinema at some point... we'll see. |
posted by TLT @ 11:26 am |
Monday, July 12, 2004 |
Had a great weekend with Jen... was nice to see her again before her trip to Peru in September... I'm now caught up in the last minute madness before camp... there are emails flying in all directions, and although i've done some stuff for the challenges for the evening stuff i haven't done it all yet, so getting a bit stressed... but i'm sure all will work out! |
posted by TLT @ 12:51 pm |
Saturday, July 10, 2004 |
whoo hoo -Jen is here... the dancing in Tron last night went ok... :-) so all is good... going to go out for a walk in the town later and then later tonight i've got some prep to do for SSS tomorrow, other than that i have no idea what we're going to do today... :-) a nice relaxing day!
posted by TLT @ 1:46 pm |
Friday, July 09, 2004 |
not long up... oops... couldn't sleep last night and of course slept in to make up for it... oh dear, camp is going to kill me next week if i don't get my sleeping habits sorted! Ah well worse things have happened i suppose. Not much else to report to be honest... just plodding along. Have to totally clean my room for Jen coming. We're going to Troon tonight with the kids from my church again... so it should be good. and it'll be nice to see the impact teamers that are working in that venue again... :-) anyway - i should go and clean my room... *rolls eyes* |
posted by TLT @ 1:20 pm |
Thursday, July 08, 2004 |
just booked all the train tickets i need over the next month or so... it's manic! and the best part is i managed to get them all pretty cheap which is cool :-) anyway - i suppose i should go and clean my room for Jen coming over tomorrow... she'll be wanting a clean floor to sleep on - hehehe... |
posted by TLT @ 5:49 pm |
Didn't go to the cinema... ended up side-tracked! Sheena, a friend from church who also happens to be my Pastoral Carer, suffers from ME, and is quite ill with it at the moment... so i popped in on her briefly yesterday night to drop off a 'recovery pack' and cheer her up before next week, coz if she DOES manage to get herself together enough to go to the Clan Gathering next week then i won't see her until after Cumnock mission, which would be 5 whole weeks... such a tragedy!... lol! Other than that i didn't do anything ground-breaking... still not feeling inspired with the SU camp stuff, but i'm sure it'll come eventually... push comes to shove I'll get Jen to wrack her brains when she's over at the weekend!
To add... the situation with accommodation upstairs is beginning to test my patience... everytime i turn round there's seems to be another stranger walking around. Last night one of them stopped me and asked if i wanted her left over naan bread... i was inshock as i'd never seen her before... it's just getting rediculous! They're taking over the place... there's nowhere to hide! AHHHHHHHHHH! lol.
so anyway - prayer requests:
* for Sheena that she gets past her relapse in ME
* that God inspires me to get this stuff done for camp, sooner rather than later!
* That i'll have extra patience with all of the extra bodies upstairs! |
posted by TLT @ 1:23 pm |
Wednesday, July 07, 2004 |
Didn't do much last night. Just watched films 'n talked with Kat 'n stuff... today however I have no idea what i'm going to end up doing... i have to work on some stuff for SU camp, but i need to see if God inspires me before i can really launch into that. lol. It's become quite quiet here in the youth min room of late... all of the tutors seem to be on holiday... peace........ Having said that though, the accomodation upstairs has become pretty manic... there's a heap of 'strangers' living upstairs at the moment and i wasn't pleased with the fact that they totally wrecked our kitchen and left it in a state and then moved into another kitchen and didn't bother to clean it - argh! ach well... i suppose i should go and wash the floor soon *rolls eyes* Anyway, depending on what happens i might head to the cinema later... |
posted by TLT @ 12:57 pm |
Tuesday, July 06, 2004 |
Just been to see Shrek 2 - very good *big grin* also bought a couple of classic DVDs in the sales - very cool *big grin* now skint till my next pay day *wink*... ah well...
just to add, some guys can be so up themselves sometimes!
posted by TLT @ 7:04 pm |
Troon last night was really good... the kids seemed to love what we were doing and they even asked for a 'Fast' song... lol... i think the teamers were just about dying afterwards... it was good though... and then i got back here to have my dinner made for me - whoo hoo! so it was a good night last night.
Not up to much today though - might go to the cinema with Kat later... we'll see - i'm not fancying a walk in the rain tbh...
ooooooooh and Jen is hopefully coming to stay on Friday until Sunday afternoon - WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!! *big grin* |
posted by TLT @ 1:10 pm |
Monday, July 05, 2004 |
glad to be back on the net again today... means i can actually get some stuff done! It's such a handicap not have net access when you need it i.e. at weekends and the evenings! but anyway, I'm heading off to Troon tonight with a couple of my young people from Church... i'm going there to lead a dance workshop and they're coming with me to help and hopefully they'll get a chance to see what's happening elsewhere in the activity centre as i'm only planning an hours work for a two hour slot... so it should hopefully be quite good, and you never know, i might see some folk from impact! That would be cool too! Prays are slowly being answered about transport for this event... i know have all of the cars covered, although some of the people have said that they'd do it only if they were like the last resort, but it's looks like they are so... oops.
WEnt to Emilys last night as she's now in here new flat at last!!!!!!!!!!! JOsh made us some curry which was well good and we watched the football while playing a card game called phase 10 - think you'd like that one mum!
anyway - i should go get myself sorted for tonight ! |
posted by TLT @ 1:06 pm |
Saturday, July 03, 2004 |
GOt back to 'sunny' Glasgow last night... was an ok journey, i just read for the whole thing... was awakened by an orange march this morning - whoo hoo... went food shopping and then in a very rushed manner made our way to the college graduation ceremony... was good to see some of our friends graduating... although the speaker spoke for AGES, which was a bit dull, but oh well, Gordon, Emily and Josh are always entertaining enough *wink*... then we had a late lunch which was really dinner and now i'm sitting here quickly checking my mail before we get chucked out - what fun!
Also managed to speak to my tutor today... it was nice to talk to her after such a long time... lets hope she's gonna be around again at the start of next term and i'll have her back as my tutor... i think i'd like that!
Anyway... was wanting to go to Govanhill tonight (pentecostal church) with the guys, but i really have to do some last minute prep for church tomorrow - what fun! although having said that i have some pretty competant folk working with me for SSS tomorrow, so hopefully it'll be a breeze *wink* |
posted by TLT @ 6:00 pm |
Friday, July 02, 2004 |
oops - i know i didn't post yesterday - forgot and then only remembered when i was in my bed - doh! oh well... not a whole lot happened anyway.. sorry - having a chillin time at the moment... well trying to anyway! Although having said that, yesterday was quite busy. Today i'm just abuot to head up to the academy to pick up my brothers drums, then i'm going up to Peterhead to see my grandparents. DRIVING - WHOO HOO! then i'll be back here pretty sharpish to have a quick look in on Simcha (the dance group i started here) and then i'll be off to catch my train back to Glasgow - my doesn't time fly when you're having fun!!!!! Graduation tomorrow, church on sunday, Troon monday - what fun. Think i'll be catching up on all my films next week at UGC - tee heee.... |
posted by TLT @ 9:46 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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