Friday, April 30, 2004 |
Got some really bad news this morning. My tutor who has been on maternity for while now, and was only 2 weeks away from her delivery date found out this morning that her baby had died in the womb, and she had to go to the hospital to deliver it. I was devasted for them when i found out. I can't imagine how she must be feeling at this moment. I just pray that her and her husband will be comforted in their time of loss... |
posted by TLT @ 7:07 pm |
didn't get up until 11:45am today - which is terrible - but i reckon i needed it! Was doing a bit of sound editing last night on my mac - was well cool! heheh.... Also got a card through the post today that my mum made for me to give to Susan's parents to accept my wedding invitation - oooooooooh it's all very exciting!
Last night though, worship was actually quite good - one of the 3rd years went to PNG for her block placement last term and was telling us all about the tribes she worked with there 'n stuff like that. Was quite interesting.
On top of that, there's emails flying all over the place for impact dedication day prep - i can feel that May is going to be an 'interesting' month, and even more of a feeling that June is going to be worse than May - surely life can't get busier?!
'This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made, we will REJOICE, we will REJOICE and be glad in it and be glad in it....' |
posted by TLT @ 12:52 pm |
Thursday, April 29, 2004 |
Just in from 'Inspired' and i'm totally shattered... was a good night though, but i've just walked into the college to have certain people breathing down my neck and 'reminding' me that there is residential worship tonight, and had another guy complaining about something to do with software that he wants for his mac, (which i conveniently have) but which i am NOT about to let him copy free of charge....... Anyway - i suppose i should head upstairs - i would really like to just go to bed, but i get the impression that i won't get the chance to... |
posted by TLT @ 9:32 pm |
well, last night's meeting didn't really cheer me up any. But i had another meeting this morning which did. Woke up just after 8am this morning (after getting to sleep at about 3am) to what sounded like a hairdryer... well it turns out that the person living across the hall left a tap on, which has caused MAJOR devastation... It was a lady who has been living in Malison's room, and the watter ended up soaking the floor in Holly's room - she's lost a lot of her books and paperwork to the damage, and the class rooms and common room have all got damaged roofs. So it's all a bit of a mess - oops.
Anyway - my work won't do itself, so i need to get a move on...
posted by TLT @ 12:59 pm |
Wednesday, April 28, 2004 |
Just had a meeting with my line-manager - sometimes feel soooooo depressed after meetings with him - argh - but oh well, got an impact worship committee meeting tonight which means i get to see loads of people that i haven't seen in AGES! But still have a lot of work to do. Have a heap of typing to be done for Sunday so i can give the Summer Sunday School Co-coordinator a copy of the stuff i plan to do over the summer. So it's all very busy, and on top of that I feel sick :-( Well not sick, sick, but not 100%. Bit pants really. Maybe my visit to this meeting tonight will cheer me up - i can always hope... Anyway - i'm off now to do some more work, before i head out - hehehehehheheheheh...
posted by TLT @ 4:29 pm |
placement was good again last night, although very quiet... not many young people around, but our ten event went down ok. One of my friend has relationship 'problems' and me and Gordon are sitting here in the youth min room trying to help her out... don't seem to be getting anywhere though. lol. ahh it's alllllll good. |
posted by TLT @ 11:21 am |
Tuesday, April 27, 2004 |
very annoyed right now!!! The library claims i haven't given a book back (which i'm sure i gave back with a pile of other books after finishing an essay on the 30th of March) - arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.... it wouldn't bother me and I'd pay the fine, IF I HAD THE BOOK, but i DONT! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
*goes away to calm down a bit* |
posted by TLT @ 2:09 pm |
phew - just had a heart attack... a post which i had deleted from my blog was still appearing on the main page, despite the fact that i'd deleted in on the edit page - argh!!! all better now though... Up early today - would normally have class, but have a 'day of prayer' instead. Although i'm not liking the running order for the day, so i think i'll probably go to worship and then have some quite time, just me and God. |
posted by TLT @ 9:05 am |
Monday, April 26, 2004 |
I'm just back from placement, and absolutely shattered!!!!! BUt it was a good night. The young people were rocking at music group, and we've decided to try and find outselves a drummer and a bassist... so here's hoping God provides!!!!
Anyway - i'm really tired and i haven't had my dinner yet... must go!
teeeeeeeeeeest |
posted by TLT @ 9:40 pm |
it's a beeeeeeeeautiful day here in Glasgow today. Verging on being too hot for me outside... But all the windows are open, making it JUST bareable inside! Been shopping, but couldn't find what I was looking for, and i'm just about to go and do some prep for this evenings Music practice, but it's all good... Hopefully it won't be cold in the church tonight either - yay! |
posted by TLT @ 3:05 pm |
Yesterday was church... it started at 10am and didn't finish until just before 11pm. Was a good day though and the sun was out, which made a difference. BUt i've got a sore throat :-( which is a tad annoying. The CORE team for the summer has now been annouced again this year, and when I read I really wished i was on the team too... I had such a good summer last year doing CORE... but oh well, i get to have fun doing youthwork all year round now - hehehehe... Anyway - i should go, i've got loads of prep to do before music group tonight... bye :-) |
posted by TLT @ 11:39 am |
Saturday, April 24, 2004 |
didn't do much last night... just caught up with my ironing, did some reading and went to bed... but not before watching the scandal on American Idol... i'm telling you, there's no justice in the world! Anyway, moving swiftly on... Not go many plans for today... i may go to the cinema, i may not... i may walk down into the town, i may not... it's just gonna be one of those days... i can feel it already.
In fact i don't feel energetic at all... so i might just do some prep and read a book... hehehe |
posted by TLT @ 11:56 am |
Friday, April 23, 2004 |
Just back from Castlemilk... 'twas good... i'm now starving though!!!!!!!!!! off to get food! |
posted by TLT @ 7:29 pm |
Well i'm not long up, mostly because i couldn't sleep last night! argh! But be off to go and get lunch and then i'll have to head off for my afternoon at Castlemilk. It's the after school group for the international students today. Haven't seen them all in a couple of weeks, so i've got no hope in remember any of their names... doh! |
posted by TLT @ 11:50 am |
Thursday, April 22, 2004 |
God is amazing!!!!!!!!! Had a great night at placement, and then got a lift home, to find that the person was also offering to help me co-ordinate the SUmmer Sunday School starting in June! I true answer to prayer! yeeeeeeeeeha! Off to see Kill Bill 2 soon! *YAY* |
posted by TLT @ 9:33 pm |
fine day today... got an invitation of a wedding *YAY* and got my ticket for Kill Bill 2- which is tonight *YAY* just about to go get myself some food though... it's nice and warm outside, so i'm not in a working mood!!! |
posted by TLT @ 2:27 pm |
Wednesday, April 21, 2004 |
had a sort of random day... i think one of my friends from the flat may be in a little bit of a mood with me due to the fact that i made a bit of an issue of her asking to borrow my straightners for the 3rd time in 4 days, but I guess it'll blow over... argh.
Other than that, i've just been plodding away at doing prep work... have managed to get everything sorted for the Bible Class on Sunday morning, which is good. We're looking at Loving God. So my next thing i have to work on is Summer Sunday School prep. I want to try and get some of it done tonight, although i think i might go and see 'a song for a raggy boy' for the 6;40pm showing... but it depends what sort of a mood i'm in by then...
all good! plus the bonus is that Kill Bill 2 comes out tomorrow and we're all going to see it - YAY! |
posted by TLT @ 4:03 pm |
I'm uppppppppppppppppppp... 'tis all cool... Castlemilk was good lastnight, although there weren't many kids... And i managed to catch up with my letter-writing, which i've been meaning to do for almost 2 weeks now... took a long time to get to sleep though - argh! Anyway, today i'm a lady of leisure... well actually i'm not... i've got a stupid amount of work to do, but the difference is I can do it at my own pace and not be rushed, which is different from the past couple of days... |
posted by TLT @ 11:40 am |
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 |
i'm feeling absolutely exhausted now... really need to get myself motivated for Castlemilk tonight... soo soooooo tired! |
posted by TLT @ 4:53 pm |
Am very tired this morning... up early for class, knowing that i'm not going to 'stop' until probably about 11pm and that's a most unencouraging thought... ah well, a day at my own pace tomorrow though!
yeeha! |
posted by TLT @ 9:04 am |
Monday, April 19, 2004 |
just back from Placement.. it went ok.. i'm now shattered... and have to be up early for classes and then of course straight down the road to Castlemilk - WHOOHOO! |
posted by TLT @ 9:28 pm |
Been working on music group arrangements today... and i'm currently sitting in the youth min room getting really annoyed... i always hate people walking behind me and looking over my shoulder, especially when I'm on the net... and they're gone and moved the computers, so people are constantly doing JUST THAT!!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! |
posted by TLT @ 3:44 pm |
heheheheheheheh... oooooh laughed sooo much last night!!!! Watched Braveheart 'frrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedooooooooooooooooom!' and then had a very impressive water fight with Gordon... (me and Kat against Gordon)... although I caught Zoe head on at one point when she was innocently heading to bed, and then eventually... Daniel the warden came out of his flat, and Kat and I heard him and ran for the girls loo's but Gordon thought it was us and squirted him in the face head on! hehehehhe... I don't think i've ever laughed so much when Gordon told us what he'd done... Daniel has apparently been asking around this morning to find out who else was involved - hehehe.. although he apparently seemed in better humour this morning! oooooooooooooooooooooh the joys of communal living!!!!!
I also went to Partick South church for a change of scenery yesterday, was ok... enjoyed the kids address! Also went to see 'The Butterfly effect'...absolutely BRILLIANT film... don't think you'd understand though Fiona, sorry!!!!
posted by TLT @ 11:57 am |
Saturday, April 17, 2004 |
Have managed to sneak into the youth min room to check my mail... have had the most fantastic day with Nettie!!!!! Went for a run round the coast... had lunch in Gourock, which was gorgeous, and went shopping in Braehead and then back to the flat again for more chatting... it's been a great and chilled out day! Good medicine!
oooooooooh and i bought something which could come in handy against the boys upstairs - hehehehe *cheesy grin*...
posted by TLT @ 6:09 pm |
The film was good last night... although i thought it should have been an 18 not a 15... Was funny in bits, but also insanely disgusting in others... (so i'm glad we didn't see that one on wednesday mum!!!)
Today i'm going out for the afternoon with my friend Nettie... She was my mission leader at Gourock last year... She was the mothering figure when I was a little bitty ill during the mission, shoving my head over a steaming bowl of water to clear my synuses comes to mind... She's cool though! Should be a good day... Then i'm home to start doing prep for the Summer Sunday School for Kenmure... i got the basic booklet of material yesterday... but now i have to make it into a 12 week programme which ANYONE could run and which has everything organised, coz i won't be there for at least 6 Sunday's over the 12 week period... duh! |
posted by TLT @ 10:27 am |
Friday, April 16, 2004 |
Wrote a dance last night... it felt soooo good having God inspire me in that waya again... I haven't written a dance in sooooooooo long! It's to a song called 'Free' of the Hillsongs album 'Hope'. I'll be using it for a 2 hour dance seminar at the Youth weekend 'Crossover' in June ;-)
BUt anyway - i've still got a silly amount of stuff to do before I head off to Castlemilk at 4pm... oh and i'm going to see 'shaun of the dead' tonight... Me and Gordon are going to go to the midnight showing... coz we're the only cinema-goer's around at the moment...
posted by TLT @ 11:23 am |
Thursday, April 15, 2004 |
oooh i'm realllllllllllllly needing the loo, so this is going to be quick... said bye bye to the rents and weebro today... not much else happened really... although we went to the People's Palace this morning which was quite interesting... but i've got a few bits and pieces to do so i'd better head off...
posted by TLT @ 3:27 pm |
Wednesday, April 14, 2004 |
Well the 'rents are here... all good... very tired though... Pip and I watched Matrix Revolutions last night... (he was dissappointed... went over his head i think)... PLus Kathryn foned me at about 9:30am (thanks for that Kathryn)... she was asking me a favour... and i have done her favour... heheheh.
all good.
Oh and one last thing...
Happy birthday to yoooooooooooooooou, Happy birthday to yoooooooooooooooooou,
happy birthday dear Fiona and Grandad, happy birthday to yooooooooooooooooou!
Huggles from me and Pip
posted by TLT @ 10:40 am |
Tuesday, April 13, 2004 |
I'm back at last!!!!!!!!!!! Had a pretty full inbox too - argh! Oh well... waiting for my parents to arrive at the moment... but I've got Castlemilk tonight... circus skills. Will be fun i'm sure. Had an average weekend... but had good services at church for the Easter weekend... starting off with a really good meditation service on GOod Friday...
PLus having Jen over was really cool... but beginning to feel just a little bit stressed again... very aware of many people trying to get hold of some of my time, but i'm aware of how very little of it i have left at the moment... eeeeeek... oh to be popular...
posted by TLT @ 12:19 pm |
Thursday, April 08, 2004 |
right i'm just about to go pick Jen up... Feels like i've spent the last 12 hours constantly cleaning... Cleaned my room... then remembered this morning that i'm on lounge duty, and that took AGES coz the person who was on duty before me didn't do ANYTHING (and he's the depute warden) argh! And then I remembered I didn't clean the kitchen last night... but now it's all done *YAY*... But of course, all this extra stuff I ended up doing, meant i didn't get to straighten my hair - doh! off to get Jen now... |
posted by TLT @ 2:51 pm |
well my room is as clean as i've seen it since i moved in... and i got my third easter card today... which was very nice... Spent quite a bit of time last night practising the guitar,and Zoe was singing along for a bit of the time... So it was quite chilled last night - which was cool. I've got to go pick up Jen in a couple of hours... then I think i'll take her back here to show her around the college before it shuts up for the weekend... Yes.. .thats right people... unless i stumble into an internet cafe over the weekend, you're going to have to do without my ramblings for a whole 4 days while the college is totally shut... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
*goes off to sob in a corner* |
posted by TLT @ 12:02 pm |
Wednesday, April 07, 2004 |
Just back in... been out to the cinema with Em to see 'Along came Polly' - was quite good... and then went to Wesley Owen to do some research for Kenmure... all good I guess... trying to get the printer in the youth min room to work at the moment and it's being a bitty stubborn... ooooh i think i've managed to get it to work - AT LAST! 36 pages to print now... argh...
ah well... a night of prep i think.... got posters to make... ooooooh and i've got quite a bit of tidying to do before Jen comes to stay tomorrow ... hmmmm...
posted by TLT @ 4:58 pm |
Well... the Magnum yesterday turned out to be a leisure centre... so it was ice-skating and swimming for the second time in less than a week... I was a lot better on the ice this time though!!! Although my feet were really sore by the end of it! Then i had a quick MacDonalds before my next shift at Castlemilk... which was ok... i love one 2 one work though... just sitting chatting and getting to know the young folk...
Was shattered by the time i got home though, and it took a lot of will to get myself out of bed this morning, especially since I was meant to have a meeting with the minister this afternoon, but God has answered prayer... my minister cancelled!!! heheheh... SO i'm off to the cinema with Emily to see 'Along came Polly' - then i'll have to head down to Wesley Owen to look for resources... maybe i'll drag Emily with me...
all good! |
posted by TLT @ 12:15 pm |
Tuesday, April 06, 2004 |
AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH! They shut the Library area at 5pm last night - soooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying!! Means i can't check mail after that time.... Just because some of the students are on holiday, and none of us have classes... doesn't mean we all are though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr... Anyway, about to head out to Castlemilk... tired, but i'm sure i'll perk up a bit once I get there... we're (i think) going to 'the magnum' whatever that may be... i'm just standing in for some one esle instead of doing my late shift last night.
Anyway - must fly!
posted by TLT @ 10:27 am |
Monday, April 05, 2004 |
I'm home to the flat again... turned out that Castlemilk are short of a leader tomorrow afternoon for an outing and so they asked me to go along... not acutally sure where we're going to be honest... but oh well. That's 12noon-5pm, and then I have an hours break before I have drop-in at night... (until 10pm) so i reckon i'm going to be wrecked on Wednesday when I go to my line-managers meeting... oh well.
But all this means that i'll now actually get to see my dad properly tonight and go out to dinner etc... which will be nice for a change. Quite looking forward to that...
Right ok - need activities for Castlemilk which can last around an hour on the theme of 'ten'... help?!
And for Kenmure... which material should I use for a 3 month long Summer sunday school... help?! |
posted by TLT @ 5:08 pm |
Well... just been harassed by one of the course tutors about time off... argh - oh well...
moving on... Yesterday morning at church was ok... i think. Went out for a walk in the afternoon. Got muddy and wet - argh!... Went to the first evening service for holy week (they have one everynight) only to find it was some daft concert with the 'Clydebank District Choir' and wasn't religious... the choir was amazing but i wasn't impressed as it had nothing to do with Palm Sunday. Then on the way home from that, had a scare in the car, but the less said about that the better...
Today however, I'm heading off to castlemilk in less than an hour for a long shift... 2:30pm-9:30pm.. ick. BUt then dad will hopefully be picking me up and taking me home and giving me my new handset - *YAY*... ah well... must get food before I go I guess...
posted by TLT @ 11:58 am |
Saturday, April 03, 2004 |
Well.... I should currently be at St Silas church in Kelvinside doing some Banzi filming for Crossover... but decided not to go, coz there'll be plenty of folk anyway probably and i've got stuff to do...
Yesterday with the Assylum Seekers group was absolutely FAB! I still can't pronouce half their names, but it was great fun.... Hardly any of them could ice-skate, so i had to go round continuously for almost 2 hours helping them... was cool though. Didn't get home until 11, had pizza, and then went straight back out for a late showing of Gothika... wasn't as scary as I thought it would be... but Jenghee was sitting next to me and was hiding behind her jacket most of the time - hehehehehehe...
All is good....... :-) |
posted by TLT @ 12:20 pm |
Friday, April 02, 2004 |
Well 'inspired' wasn't exactly all THAT inspiring last night, but i guess it was cool all the same. When I got back last night, Bee had made me food *big grin*. Thai and Japanese I think... but good food none-the-less... yummy!
Bee and Jenghee sang together this morning at worship time... they sounded so lovely!!! Wish they did that more often!
Heading off to Castlemilk soon. It's ice-skateing and swimming at the time-capsule - YEHA! |
posted by TLT @ 12:28 pm |
Thursday, April 01, 2004 |
ok... so i'm suffering now... Sat down to start writing prayers for the young people to read out on Sunday, and fell asleep... for TWO HOURS - argh!... ah well... they're down now anyway, and it was worth it being up that late to hear simon crashing through his papered up door this morning anyway - hehe... although i think us girls are going to have to watch out for revenge... eeeek... ah well, i've got to go to Inspired soon...
posted by TLT @ 5:16 pm |
heheheheheh.... Was up until 5am playing pranks for April Fools... and of course then proceeded to sleep right through until 12:35pm and so no one managed to get me back - hehehehe... Me, Em and Kathryn spent ages preparing for last night... we covered Simon's and Gordon's door with wrapping paper (totally covered) and then after Iain (Abrahams room mate) decided to be difficult and not go to bed until after 3:30am, Kat decided to go to bed leaving me and Em to door Ab's door... only, we decided to back-fire it at her and covered her door instead and put a bed sheet across Ab's door... hehehhehe... Plus, we did a couple of other things, but i'm not willing to admit to them until I know the victims have found out what we've done - hehehehehehe...
Other than that i'm shattered... this whole April Fools business takes a lot out of you, you know!!!!
Oh, and Dad, you text didn't work.......... hehehe.
nice try though... |
posted by TLT @ 1:22 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
See my complete profile
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