My random ramblings...
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37v4.   
Saturday, July 30, 2005
One Way...
wow. what a week. If you've been in contact with me in the past week then you will probably had a glimpse of the excitement that i'm currently feeling. So much has happened, and i'm just bursting to tell it all... so beware, but a HUGE and i mean HUGE post is coming up...

Saturday morning, was obviously feeling quite nervous, but really looking forward to getting to Clan and getting to work... basically, the nerves really came from the fact that I knew that I was going to be in a position where God was going to use me in things that i wasn't necessarily experienced or comfortable with, especially big things and that scared me a bit... but yeah it was all good. Me, MJ and Rosey all headed off to St Andrews and all was good. Lovely flat for the week (although a bit cold at times admittedly) but i'm telling you... everything was amazing. *goes to find journal to remind herself of certain details* Basically we had a program which went a bit like this:

Seminars (on topics ranging from evangelism to leadership and all sorts): 9:30-10:45am
Morning meeting: 11:30am-1pm - on the theme of worship, looking at the cost, power awesomeness of worship...
afternoon workshops: 2:30-4:30pm - ranging from footie to basketball to creative stuff
Evening meeting: 6:30-8:30pm (although by the end of the week it was going on much longer!) - bringing the message to the yp and encouraging them to go out and share with the world.
L8r: 9:15-10:45pm - general silliness most of the time, but included other things like bands 'n stuff!

so there you go... that's the general breakdown. now for the nitty-gritty:

Saturday evening... James from City Church in Aberdeen spoke at the evening meeting and he basically encouraged the young people to be open to what God had to say to them over the week... he was a really good speaker. I spent most of the evening doing detached work though. So i wasn't in the meeting much. Worship is awesome though. St Mungo's have some serisously gifted worship leaders!!!!!!! other than that i spent some time getting to know some of the other leaders, and if memory serves Helen C and i went on a little adventure to Tescos... where they have a SELF-SERVICE machines... whats THAT about?! lol. was most confused. ah well. *blushes*

Sunday - well it was weird not being at church on Sunday - very weird. But the seminar i was at was good. I was a scribe for the guys who were doing the leadership seminar - was good *hehe* as for the morning meeting it was Rosey who did it and she basically was encouraging the young people to get themselves 'right' with God. Most of the young people at Clan were already Christians, but not all, and afterwards we had a really good prayer ministry session... i have to say prayer ministry in that sense is not something i've been involved with in the past, but it was good to be a part of it. It was just soooooo amazing to be right in the middle of so many young people praising God with everything they had without restrictions or distractions, just being able to give God the praise he deserves! At night Sally did the speaking and she was talking about 'ripples', and no not the chocolate *lol* she was basically saying that the bigger the foundation and faith we have in Christ the bigger the ripple will be that we make to those around us... was exciting stuff, and the response was for the young people who were committed to making ripples marking their hometowns etc on a map... was really encouraging to see the map afterwards!!!

Monday - morning meeting was Tara and she was talking about the importance of Jesus encounters and how they shape our perseption of who God is. Again it was really good. Worship, amazing. Been learning some new songs... and we've' been singing some new (to me) songs which Al and Jonny have written themselves which is even more exciting!!! ooooh and then we had our first creative workshop session in the afternoon... was soooooooooooo funny. Basically we were looking at how we could represent the 193 countries of the world through pictures. and some of them were just soooooo funny... *LOL* i.e. Oman was a pic of Niel with a roll of masking tape above his head so it was 'O' - 'man' - was in hysterics *hehe* Yeah then the evening we had Andy, the team leader speaking and he was taking about the bridge that Christ made between us and God, and was gd. He had a response at the end where people could cross the bridge for the first time, or take others with them 'n stuff.. was awesome. By this point though i was losing my voice. No idea why, but by tuesday it was practially gone. No one could understand me very easily *lol*

Tuesday - Well i spent the night before getting really worked up coz i had to do my seminar with Mark hte night before, but i just really cried out to God for his peace 'n stuff and it worked, and the seminar went pretty well *grin* then Tim was speaking in the morning, again he was great. Was talking about being free to worship God. Mainly focusing on how the Devil can prevent us from being free to worship because of the guilt 'n stuff that he feeds into our heads... was a big prayer ministry session again after that one. It's a priviledge to be used by God in that way. The night meeting was just wow. Ollie talked about being filled with the Spirit, and afterwards had a prayer response but sooooo many folk went forward that we ended up doing something called a 'fire tunnel' which basically meant that the prayer ministry team stood opposite each other in a line and the yp went through as we prayed for them and layed hands on them 'n stuff. After we'd prayed for all the young people we too were prayed for and it was just amazing... i was walking on air the next day!!!!!!!!

Wednesday - Ollie again in the morning... he was talking about the 'otherness of God' and how we need to have to show some of that while being Christians... this day we had James from Aberdeen leading worship... he's done it for Catlayst before and is just amazingly gifted!!!! the evening it was tim again and he was talking about gifts, was soooooo good, and the young people got to make a response by signing a cd an sticking it up on the wall promising to use their gifts for Jesus. This was a particuarly exciting evening for me... coz we were asked to go around the crowd asking the yp if they wanted prayer rather than getting them to stay forward after doing their cd and i while doing this i heard andy request some leaders to go forward as some folk wanted specific prayer... as it happened though there were no females in that group (we were only allowed to pray for same sex) so i just hung around at the front joining in with the worship, but then this girl came pushing forward and she told Andy something, next thing i know he's beckoning me forward... turned out that she had been told that she need to receieve a word from God... so i prayed with her... and when i had finished she was in tears coz what i had said had spoken right into her heart where it needed too... God used me to really make a difference. it was such a priviledge!

Thursday - was getting pretty tired by now... but the day started with Cherie doing the main speaking at the morning meeting and she was sooooooooooo good. it was all about the cost of worship. I reckon Tim should get her to do that one at elevate sometime. At night though Jackie Pullinger came and spoke. Man she rocks for God. some of the stuff she shared was just amazing. Then afterwards we did prayer ministry, only this time she was calling the shots, and she asked those who wished to receive the gift of tongues to come forward. Now i've never receievd the gift of tongues before, so i decided to 'join the crowd' as it were, but knowing full-well that because we as leaders were meant to be praying for the yp that it was unlikely that a leader would come a pray with me. But i just stood there praying to God and just worshiping him and standing in his presence and basically for about 10 mins i must have been standing there just praying for God to send someone to pray with me, and eventually he did. Meanwhile many yp and leaders were sharing the gift of tongues. But evenutally Rachel came and prayed with me. Although i didn't reallise it was her. and other people came and prayer over me too... but it wasn't until Jackie Pullinger came herself and she just encouraged me 'n stuff and all of a sudden i just started talking in this weird language and rachel kept encouraging me to keep going, and then she whispered in my ear that i had just said 'let's praise the Lord in worship' and i was like *wow* and gave her a huge hug!!!! man it was just soooooo overwhelming!!! and they were by this point singing a particularly heartfelt song, and i was just about breaking down... then cherie came from like nowhere and asked if she could pray for me at which point i did breakdown, and she did. She thank God for me and just prayed for me and the stuff she knew i struggled with 'n stuff... and then afterwards she told me that she knew that God was pleased with me and that she was proud of me.. I'm just soooooo thankful for her and her support. at that point though i pretty much had to go and sit down. my legs just weren't going to hold me any longer - i meant i had been standing there for almost an hour by this point. the whole time people had been praying for me it was as though the soles of my feet had been burning, and when Cherie was praying for me i thought i was gonna go down a few times... was an extremely humbling experience.

Friday - well this was the last day... me and rosey did a seminar on evangelism in schools in the morning which was fun, and then James spoke in the morning... was gd. all about your lifestyle and stuff and how heart and mind have to be in line iwth God 'n stuff. then at night it was Andy again - his last. Was about equipping the yp to go out from Clan... was good. Another Fire tunnel... this time though i was so drained by the end that i pretty much feel to my knees once the guys had gone through... Helen C was praying for me, i could hear her... but my legged just gave in. *lol* was good though... was really good... spent until about midnight tearing everything down 'n stuff... so was really tired by the time i got home.

i think there's sooooooooo much that i've taken away from this week at Clan, not least the fact that God is soooo faithful with the things we ask for. The team was amazing, the worship was amazing, i think that teh speakers at the seminars and the main meetings where totally blessed by God in everything they said and it was just such a huge priviledge to be apart of it all... so there you go... in a shortened, yet quite detailed form, there is my week. *grin*
posted by TLT @ 8:44 pm   2 comments
Saturday, July 23, 2005
blah... are nerves good or bad?
i guess in some way you can see them as good coz in some weird way they always make you achieve to the best of your ability, or in the other side it can make you sooooo nervous that you just mess everything up.

well i was asked by someone about 3 hours ago if i was nervous about next week yet, and of course my reply was 'no' coz i wasn't... at the time. now on the other hand... well i can feel the butterflies starting... blah.

oh well... anyway - so yeah, this is me signing off for the week... i don't think i'm gonna be back until a week tomorrow - i.e next saturday, so i defintely won't be updating in that time... *grin*

keep praying that all goes well this week !!!!
posted by TLT @ 12:02 am   0 comments
Friday, July 22, 2005
hot hot hot...
ok so its not thaaaaaaaaat hot, but hot enough for me to use my fan in my room *hehe*.
so yeah... last night was most amusing... had to go to church to do a heap of photocopying for clan... and i was just walking up the lane when I remembered that they would have had a prayer meeting last night at the church *hehe*... so i had to sneak in the side door and sneak out again with the hope that no one heard or was disturbed by me... Then i headed off to Tesco's on the way back so that i could get paper and toilet rolls for clan. 2 reams of paper and 32 toilet rolls to be exact *lol* the look i got from the cashier was most amusing... and then of course there was the texts i was getting 'commenting' on my excursions and my experiences with the cashier etc from Sheena *hehehe*... but yeah, so eventually got back at about 9:30pm and sat 'n spoke to Christina for a bit before I headed back to write a couple more work emails and then i crashed... was sooooo tired.

as for today... i had a couple of errands to run and then i headed down town to get sellotape for clan.... ended up get 9 packs of 6 rolls. (costing £1 each, not bad eh?) the look on the cashier's face was again most amusing... ah well... the interesting bit is when we're gonna be trying to fit all this stuff into Rosey's car tomorrow... it's not a particularly big car, and there's 3 of us going to clan in it.... so it'll be fun trying to fit everything in!!!! *LOL*

ah well... i should probably clean my room up a bit... at the moment it's just a bomb site for clothes and stuff for icebreakers *hehe*
posted by TLT @ 2:10 pm   0 comments
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Originally uploaded by TLT.
man folk just don't get any better do they... was doing prep and happily sitting with the sun spilling in my room this afternoon when i got a text from G about more problems in London... the bombers don't seem to have caused as much damage and there's not anyone hurt badly or anything... in fact it seems that they may have 'duffed up' but still... it's just soooooo sick.

i find it really unsettling to know that there are people in the world who delight in killing others, innocent others, even if it means also killing themselves in the process... i don't see how the masterminds, who make these individuals believe that their purpose in life is to blow up public areas, can look at themselves in a mirror... they must surely be clinically insane.

killing other people just because they don't believe the same thing as u is not the way to make them believe as you do... if anything it'll just make them go against you even more... when are these stupid terrorists going to realise that?!

posted by TLT @ 5:13 pm   0 comments
*HP6 Spoilers... if you haven't read the book then don't read this!*
right well got back from Keswick this evening... to 28 emails no less *lol* ah well... so spent a fair bit of time sorting through them... not replied to anything as yet though as i'm still 'on holiday'... but yeah. Was a good few days. We had a laugh and it was nice and relaxing....

i also got my hands on my harry potter book... and i'm about to rant and rave a bit as i finished reading it about an hour ago... so if you haven't read it or are currently reading it and don't want it spoiled, then you have been fore-warned not to read any further...

right ok... well during this read i've felt genuine excitement, frustration, disbelief, mourning, and a total inability to put the book down at times...
i have to say that i was completely gutted when Snape turned out to be bad... i have to admit that i kept trying to make myself believe that he was acting 'undercover' at the start of the book and that he wasn't as bad as it seemed, i was proved wrong though *sob* poor Dumbledore... what will they do without him?!?!
and i sooooooo saw the HBP thing coming... *lol*
And what about them all deciding that they're not going back to school next year and are instead going to going looking for the Horcruxes???? *eeeeeeek* perhaps this means there is scope for not 1 more book but a couple more books? Its just sooooo annoying knowing that JK Rowling probably hasn't even starting writin the next and last (?) book yet and i can't read it *doh*

but yeah i think this may indeed be my fave of the lot... it was simply hilarious at times (i think my mum thought i was mad the amount of giggling i was doing on occasion) and had some romantic bits to keep it interesting, yet the characters and the plots were just as amazing as ever... yet another great book from JKR... roll on the next one!!!! (hopefully sooner rather than later)
posted by TLT @ 1:24 am   0 comments
Sunday, July 17, 2005
still awake...
duh. well... tonight is probably the last time i'll be updating for a few days coz i'm heading to Keswick with my parents tomorrow after church...

so yeah... went to see Madagascar... was really funny. I think i actually like it better than Shrek, although i never really liked shrek that much in the first place... was always a Pixar girl. mm ye. i would write some funny quotes from the film, but my mind is numb and blank. But anyway - once i got back i had dinner and then spent the rest of the evening doing prep. only just finished actually... after having a few minutes break to pack my bag for tomorrow... blah its late tho.

oh yeah, and it turns out that Abe has lost my cable. *not impressed* but he has offered to go get me a new one tomorrow without me even saying anything to him... so hopefully i will have a new cable by this time tomorrow *grin*. mmmm getting sleepy now... i get my HP6 book tomorrow *grin* been covering my ears with G all day... really trying hard to avoid hearing/seeing any spoilers... so it's all gd.

mmm tired. nite.x
posted by TLT @ 3:21 am   0 comments
Saturday, July 16, 2005
grrrr to people who lose things that don't belong to them...
not pleased... Abe borrowed the cable i have for my camera the other week, and then returned another one to me yesterday. there are 2 problems with this...:
a) it's not my cable because it is grey and not black
b) it's not even the same connection.
now when i gave him back the cable yesterday he was like 'well they're all universal so what does it matter' type thing... but it's not even the right connection - and he seemed unaware of where my ACTUAL cable was. grrrrr. He leaves to go back to the USA on Monday - lets just say he had BETTER found my cable by then coz i won't be a happy bunny otherwise. I need all the cables for Clan next week... oh and i think i may have 'misplaced' my pendrive... it must be in my room somewhere, i'm just not quite sure where *doh*

ah well... have had much fun today... many memories being shaped... am currently sitting in the corridor with G... he's been trying to link up our computers through the network for the past 30 mins... but it seems that the Mac is just far more superior next to his pc laptop *bounce* hehe....

ach well... i suppose i should go disturb the peace some more... going to see Madagascar tonight... mmmm i still have to pack for heading to Keswick tomorrow and I haven't sorted all the stuff for SSS in the morning either yet... ah the holidays *lol*.
posted by TLT @ 7:08 pm   0 comments
well i had a copy of Half-Blood Prince in my hands tonight... and i even endulged myself so far as to read the back cover, not that it tells you all that much... But i of course didn't bother buying it, coz...
A) i have to do a lot of prep work tomorrow coz i've been procrastinating all week, so i really couldn't be distracted by reading the book
B) i've arranged for my copy of the book to be delivered at home in kemnay... hopefully it will be delivered and mum will remember and take it with her on Sunday afternoon when we all head down to Keswick... happy read to me *yay*...

but i reaaaaaaaaally want my copy now. G even read me the first couple of paragraphs when we were waiting for Kat in Tescos...

but anyway - we went to the pub for a quiet drink tonightt before we headed off to the bookstores... was good. Just me, G, Kat and Jenny. We went to this lovely little and chilled place called Gombo (or something like that) and it was really nice. Will have to remember that place for future reference... not that we go out often mind you.... in fact i think that was the first time in about 8 months *lol* ah well.

anyway - i'm totally awake now, but i guess i should try and sleep... although i am tempted to skim read the last couple of chapters from book 5 to refresh my memory....

posted by TLT @ 2:21 am   0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2005
ding a ding ding...
stupid crazy frog song. *huff*

right ok.. not been able to update over the past 24 hours coz well, it wouldn't let me.
but i had a lovely day in Dunfermline yesterday *grin* was most amusing to see all of the teamers move very fast when a couple of kids ran off with some chairs which they stole from the marquee.... especially when i heard Gordon (the team leader) shouting that he'd 'kill them' if he ever got his hands on them... lol... so much for good youth work. *wink*

ah well, but yeah was a lovely day. Had many random conversations with ch, hung out with Pip and met a few new folk. but when i got back I got some rather irritating fonecalls from someone from work. Wasn't pleased... but i'm not going to get into that now coz it'll just annoy me again. but after that I spent until really late helping G finish off his room... also over saw him cleaning it this morning so that Kat could move her stuff in. So i think she's more or less sorted now.... but yeah. should have been doing my seminar again, and haven't. blah. Might do some of it tonight - if not then i NEED to do it tomorrow. G's dragging me down into the town tonight though coz he wants to go and get the HP6 book which is gonna be released at midnight - so i'm sure that'll be interesting *lol* i bet there will be a whole load of weirdo's out, but it'll be a laugh anyway.

so yeah. fun.
posted by TLT @ 7:52 pm   0 comments
Thursday, July 14, 2005
well have had a pretty peaceful day... was up pretty late after being up late helping G pack... but once i was up i just did the usual stuff like laundry 'n cleaning 'n stuff... but also spent quite a bit of the day doing Clan related stuff... still not got a total handle on what i wanna do with the seminar i have to talk at, but i have basic points. But I just need to get it clearer in my head i reckon. It's a really serious subject *blah* but it could be really powerful...

not really done much else to be honest. Am tired though... need sleep.

ooh am going to Dunfermline tomorrow though to visit the team there... should be a laugh i'm sure. *grin*
posted by TLT @ 12:49 am   0 comments
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
well it's been a great day. was 'rudely' *hehe* awakened by G who barged into my room at around 9:50am when i was still in bed asleep... he thought it was Em's room which is next door... I think he was more embarassed about it than i was *hehe*... so yeah, after that i was pretty much up, so i watched some TV 'n caught up with the news, then Kat and I headed into town and I bought some new fresh covers for my bed which i'm really pleased with, so you never know i'll maybe post a pic to show y'all... although Abe has my camera cable at the moment, so i'll have to wait until he gets it back to me. Then we went shopping for a Wedding pressie for Bonnie and Jamie and got them this really cool set of ornament things of sheep (neither are scottish so it's kinda special) but they only had 2 out of the 3 things in stock, so hopefully the other will be sent to the college from another store in the next couple of weeks... *grin* So yeah, then i went and got a frappacino so i could cool down a bit and we were sitting chatting in George's Square for a bit before Kat headed off to work, so was kl *grin* yet another boiling day you see, not that i seem to be gaining any sort of a tan *doh*. But anyway, then i headed back to college and caught up with online stuff 'n faffed about 'n chatted to G about some stuff and then I spent the evening with dad 'n we went shopping... didn't manage to get a fan which was a bit of a pest, but oh well. Got lots of other nice stuff *grin* Then we had costco chicken 'n potatos for dinner which was very nice, followed by cheesecake for dessert *grin*. Also watched 'Finding Neverland' which was kl... was gd to just sit 'n chill... then after he left i was sitting chatting to G again... then i ended up helping him all nite packing... he wasn't very motivated, so i started packing stuff to help him.. but once we got started we managed to do HEAPS... so yeah, just got to bed 30 mins ago... but had to have a shower first cos my legs were soooooooooo blue from my other new jeans... in fact even my white t-shirt is blue *lol* but after helping remove stuff from under G's bed 'n stuff i'll need to majorly wash them both anyway *lol*

Ah well - am getting tired now... so i guess i should go... got a lot of CLAN prep to do tomorrow...
nite x
posted by TLT @ 2:26 am   0 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
hot and bothered...
blah it's still really hot. So much so that Kat and I took to ambushing G with water pistols in an attempt to cool down... i have to say that i came off worse... Kat had a cup of water, and that definitely has more of cover area when it hits!!!! i was soaked though... cooled me down a bit though which was awesome. although i still ended up having a cold shower before going to bed though (which is where i am now) although i discovered that the top half of my legs were blue from my new 3 quarter trouser/shorts i was wearing... doh. ah well.

i guess i should get back to faffing about seeing as i'm currently to hot to sleep *doh*
posted by TLT @ 1:41 am   0 comments
link about Lucy..
found this on the BBC news website...

Lucy's article

prayers still going up for the family.
posted by TLT @ 12:41 am   0 comments
Monday, July 11, 2005
man it's hot again today... i've got the window wide open and the curtains as closed as poss without blocking out the breeze altogether and my door wedged open in order to cool my room down a bit - doesn't seem to be working very well though. We may have to get a wee fan when we go to tesco on Tuesday too dad... *doh*

ah well.

was really feeling sad for Nonie and Hoggy this morning... when i logged onto the forum there were a couple of posts from Nonie. Both would bring tears to anyones eyes. She is really badly struggling with the whole thing. My mum texted me this morning and said that the accident was on the news this morning... turns out that Lucy was only 5, and the knowledge of that makes the weight in my stomach even worse. It seems so wrong, but i know that we can never understand when tradegies like these happen. We just have to cling to Christ's faithfulness and just let him heal us from within. But please do continue to remember Hoggy, Nonie and their family in your prayers.

mmm... well i had the 2 guys knocking on my door this morning and i had only just gotten up, was a tad embarassing, but oh well... and now i'm gonna clean my room a wee bitty and get it feeling a bit fresher so that its a bit more comfortable. Thinking i might buy myself some new bed covers this week... dunno yet tho. Had a look at Tescos' stuff and nothing reall y caught my eye, so i'm gonna go down to Roseby's at some point (a soft furnishings place in saucihall st that always seems to be have a clearout sale *lol* and i'll see if i see anything i like. We'll see.
posted by TLT @ 2:37 pm   0 comments
*increased heart rate from fear*
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Well much to say and i should really be sleeping but oh well...

well first of all some sad news... a couple i know through mission's niece was killed in a quad bike accident tonight.. i'm not sure how old she was but i'm pretty definite she couldn't have been older than 10 - of course i may be wrong.... so prayers going up for her family.

on a much lighter note...
well yeah, went to speak to G and he told me about this huge moth which had flown into his room, and he'd switched off all the lights in stuff and left the room in the hope that it would fly back out.... so yeah we'd thought it had gone, but i was sitting chatting to him about stuff and i happened to glance up at the curtain and 'found' the moth *eeeeeek* at this point i sorta freaked and ran out the room cause it was HUGE... i.e. easily 6cm wingspan!!!!! *aaaaaaaah* so yeah, at this G then freaks out because he doesn't like it either, so we faff about and theres a few more running in and out of the room screaming.. and yes it was after midnight but luckily there's not really anyone around in the flat now coz graduation is over.
well in a nut shell, we look to see if there's anyone else about who will come and 'deal' with it and meanwhile G considers other rooms which he can stay in for the night (yes it bothered him THAT much - i told you the moth was huge!!!) we can't find anyone, so we go and drag Kat out of bed (although she was actually watching Stargate not sleeping, so don't feel sorry for her) only to find that she too has a major problem with giant bat like moths and so there's some more prodding at the moth in the hope that it flies away and then running out of the room screaming... eventually Abe comes back from having a shower and litterally goes and picks the thing up and chucks it out of the room, meanwhile Kat, G and I make a run for it... in fact Kat and I kept going until we had run into her room and she'd locked the door.

so yeah, i guess we've now lost any crediability we had with Abe. What joy. ah well... at least my heart rate has now returned to normal... bedtime.
posted by TLT @ 1:49 am   0 comments
Sunday, July 10, 2005
man its soooooo hot out... and i'm still a tad tired from the last 2 days... but it's been good. The Graduation was good yesterday, but it was sooooooooo hot - Kat and I were betting to see which lecturer we thought was going to flop first, coz if we were hot then they couldn't have been to far off of collapsing in the heat with their heavy robes on. Was good though.
then we went to chinese with G and his family for dinner, was good, although by the end i was feeling so tired and dizzy from the heat that i was dying to get back... was good though. We went to Starbucks on the way up and we strolled up Buchanan street and I bought myself my first ever frappacino - was good. Got a new mint one - was nicccccce *grin* then after that i made G's grandad a thank you card coz he wouldn't let us pay for our dinner and bought it for us... he was sooo nice.
yeah so i caught up with Haz after that and then this missionary lady Mary was there and she was showing us pics from her recent trip to the Holy Land... i think i'd like to go there some time... not sure i'd cope with the heat though!!! But anyway, then me Daniel, Haz and Andy all went out for a stroll to show Daniel some of the centre of Glasgow... and me and Haz were checking all the Sales windows... there was a shop with some coooool chucks!!! Was most impressed. But yeah, it was a lovely night... we were all out in tshirts 'n stuff... but when we got back i was just wrecked... so it was just a case of flopping into bed and off into the land of nodd i went.... nice long sleep though!!!!!

but this morning it was SSS again. Was good, although i wasn't leadin this morning, it was Ann. But i was helping, although she didn't delegate out much which was find by me. Was good though... was all about the things we do wrong and God forgiveness 'n stuff. the material we're using this year really seems to be working welll *grin*. not many kids today though... all the folks are away on holiday! so yeah. It's still really hot here, but i think i'm gonna go see if i can get me some fresh food from Tesco's seeing as i have a bus ticket today. Dunno what i'm gonna do for the rest of the week as all of my young people are away at the moment... maybe i'll do something with them at the end of the week before some of them head off to SU camp, but we'll see. Just lots of time to prep for the new session i guess... I'm def thinking we need a discipleship group for the more serious young people... but i really need people to come forward who would be willing to help lead it. Prayer for that would be good.

anyway - i'm off to brave the heat - again *hehe*
posted by TLT @ 3:43 pm   0 comments
Saturday, July 09, 2005
well what can i say... i guess it's been a while since i last posted... well anyway, went home last Sunday with Phil for a few days. Was good. Relaxing. I pretty much did what i wanted to do when i wanted to do it and i got to catch up with family and friends and just chill out. Got back here on Thursday though... was slightly unnerved at the fact that i was travelling on a train the same day as the London bombings, but it was fine... Got back to Glasgow and Kat cooked me korma for dinner *yum* and then i just chilled for the evening.

Yesterday was a pretty relaxed day too i guess. Did some prep and emailed folk about CLAN, although no one has got back to me yet, but then at night we all headed to Jenny's in Pollokshields for a sleepover... chinese take away, dvds and chocolate cake. What more could you ask for? well for me it would have been a more comfy sleeping space... didn't really sleep properly at all, but ah well, i guess that just means that I'll be able to sleep better tonight. But yeah it was a laugh... so i'm not long back from that, and soon we'll be heading down to the church for Graduation. Gordon is graduating today, and we're all going to the China Buffet King later to celebrate. So it's all good... still need to get changed into something 'smart' though, but i'm sure i'll cope.

ooooh and a little side note... my little bro Phil and one of my young people Heather are going on mission on their own for the first time today *grin* i'm hoping and praying that things go well for them *grin*
posted by TLT @ 12:58 pm   0 comments
Saturday, July 02, 2005
amusment in Glasgow...
well if nothing has cheered you up today and you're feeling gloomy, then i'm convinced that this will have to cheer you up.
Tonight was Kat's music event at her church and being the supportive friends that we are Emily and I decided to go and i dragged my bro Phil along too. It all started when we were waiting 25 mins for a 44A bus to get to Newton Mearns from the city centre... Phil's train hadn't got in until 7:20pm, and considering the event started at 7pm we were already running late *hehe*... so eventually a bus comes along and we go 100 yards and he bumps into another car. *duh* the driver then proceeds to have a heated discussion with the driver of that car and another guy about it all, meanwhile we're holding up all the traffic with total style and there's horns going off big style... well eventually they move the bus and the car to the side, but then only to have another swapping details interaction, so after all that we're proabably another 10-15mins late... meanwhile, inside the bus there's this older dude, who keeps turning round and looking at us (and pretty much everyone or thing else that move or made a noise) and tutting and shaking his head, to which Phil decides to be 'nice' to the man and starts smiling and waving at him... *hehe* ah well, you're only young once... yeah so eventually we get to the bus depot and swap drivers, but not before the two of them have a nice wee discussion about the wee accident and inspect the front of the bus *duh* meanwhile Kat fones asking where we are... and again... and again *wink*. Then G fones... *lol* Em's fone hardly stopped. but anyway, back to the amusing journey (well one of)... eventually we get to mearns cross and i'm thinking 'ah not long now' only for the new driver to take the wrong right turn, and end up taking us into a narrow road leading into a housing estate, and a dead end. Now at this point i'd like to point out that the bus we were in wasn't by any means a small bus... in fact it was a double decker. no wait, it wasn't jsut a double decker it was one of those really new ones which is longer than you're average double decker... having her do a 3 point turn in the culdi-sack while being watched by the neighbours was most amusing, especially when that old granny was looking out with disapproval... the 3 of us deicded to wave and see if she cracked a smile... didn't come though, shame that. Anyway, as the driver drove us away again, her tail between her legs, we evetnually arrived at the event... almost 2 hours late, but hey, c'est la vie... Missed Superhero, which i have to say i wasn't too disappointed at (they're not my fave band ever) but got there just in time for tbc to start. They're like a poppy dancing singing group... i thought they weren't too bad... bit cheesy in places, but it was obvisous that they were passionate about what they were doing and were passionate for Jesus and that was just really exicting to see... but anyway they taught us some cheesy dance bits, which me and Phil did, no pride kept, but the others wouldn't *rolls eyes*... but yeah they were good. Then we went into the Acoustic cafe, it was lovely 'n mellow... liked that alot. Meanwhile we had also hooked up with Suzi and her young people and Dave, so we were quite a big group.... decided to go for a bus at 10:30pm, only to end up being eaten alive by midges for another 15 mins waiting for a bus that never came... oh the midges... let's just take a second to reflect on them *itches*. We must have looked a right state... we all had hoods up and were itching *urgh* there were swarms of them... but anyway eventually we give in and decide that there's no way we're waiting anymore, and so decide to run across the road so that we can get a bus going in the other direction (of course knowing that it would soon be looping back into the city), but the driver was grumpy. really grumpy. So getting on the bus in the first place was a big enough challenge!!!! but anyway, once we got on half of Suzi's kids went upstairs, where as we 'adults' remained downstairs. After a bit of a stop at the end of route, we headed off again in the direction of the city, amusingly enough only to loop back and go past the church again. By this time it's 11pm and the event is just finishing, so of course we did our complimentary wave in their direction *hehe* 30 mins after we had left them in the first place... was sooooo funny. So yeah, was pretty quiet for a bit after that except for the fact we sat and moaned at the bus drivers assumptions that we were YOBs *not impressed*. Until... the buzzer starts going off and for some reason (me thinks he's still assuming that we're troublemakers and pressing it for fun) he keeps driving and doesn't stop. but the thing is that it turns out that there's a very drunk lady upstairs with the kids and SHE'S the one pressing the button, but won't go downstairs until the bus stops uncase she falls, but of course we're still left thinking that maybe its one of Suzi's kids pushing it... so Suzi sends up one of the other kids to 'tell them off' but it continues, at which point Phil appears with this lady after helping her down the stairs... meanwhile she's taking a mental at the bus driver screaming at him that he's gone way past her stop... (which he must have gone 2-3 stops past it by now.) he stops at the next one, but in her drunken state she doesn't know how to get back to where she needed to be, so the 2 of them are shouting at each other *what joy* eventually he gets her off the bus and then drives off, leaving her in hysterics at the side of the road 'lost'. blah. so yeah, after that it was pretty uneventful except for the fact that Dave missed the last bus back to Prestwick by minutes, so he came back with us and has grabbed a room here for the night.
but yeah, so with that adventure and the unexplained 'going off' of the burglar alarm when we got back it has indeed been an interesting and far from dull evening. In fact we have the girls from tbc staying in the building tonight... i'm pretty sure that they think i'm insane... i wonder how far from the truth that is??? ah well... maybe i'll be able to show them that i am actually sane tomorrow sometime seeing as they're staying tomorrow night too *hehe*

here endeth my account of our wild adventures *grin*
posted by TLT @ 1:29 am   0 comments
Friday, July 01, 2005
portable music again *yay*
yayayayayyayayayayyayaya My iPod came today!!!!!! How cool is that?! *grin* i wasn't expecting it till next week. This is even better coz it means that i can use it on the train this coming week *grin*

Yeah so i got my marks yesterday... got a C for hermeneutics, which i wish i had got a better mark... but for me and theology that is actually a really good mark *grin* and then i got an A for social policy, so am very happy. It's been a good year for grades... *grin* at least it's all over now *content sigh*

Phil is comin tonight *yay* sooo excited... it'll be good to see him and just hang out and do brother and sister stuff *grin* think we're gonna go see 'war of the worlds' tomorrow - it looks quite good... and lets face it Tom Cruise is always worth going to see *wink* plus i think Dakota Fanning is a fab wee actress for her age, so that should be good *grin*.

Ah well... so anyway - book review time... I'm reading a really good thought provoking and challanging book at the moment. It's by Tim Hughes (with a foreword by Mike Pilivachi) and it's called 'Passion for Your name: Resourcing worship leaders - reffreshing worshippers' - it's an amazing book so far... is really good at bringing understanding to how and why we worship... am thinking i'm gonna maybe see if any of my young people wanna read it over time...

talking about worship - the girls finished the dance for 'Here I am to worship' last night... and although it seemed as though it took them forever to sort it, it actually works really well and looks really good... maybe we'll get a chance to do it at some point... you never know *grin*

right ok. my heads empty now. i'm off to play with my ipod... *cough* i mean do prep for Sunday morning *wink*
posted by TLT @ 1:40 pm   0 comments
About Me

Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
See my complete profile

I'm a fan of Shaun the Sheep!

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