Wednesday, November 30, 2005 |
*lazy* |
yesterday was a good day... Morning NT class was good and then the afternoon class was ok... but we finished playing this game thing and my team won *grin* so that was fun... then dad and i went out for dinner (spicy prawn ceaser salad. niiiiiiiiiiiice) and then went to see HP4 - i know it's the 3rd time i've see it, but dad hadn't and it was the only one that wasn't starting too early or too late... i think he enjoyed it... especially th especial effects *hehe* it is a good film... didn't bother me seeing it a 3rd time... just as good as the first... sooooooooooooo looking forward to narnia coming out next week though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annnnnnnyway... so got back and talked to folk online for a bit and wasn't even remotely tired so I decided to make some more cards. Made another 9 - started some more baubles for folk back home that have been ordered through mum... will need to remember and finish them at some point.
But yeh took me ages to make myself get up this morning... but i'm going to MAKE myself sit and study for this essay this afternoon and then i have a meeting tonight... depending on whether i 'get into it' in the afternoon i may do some more studying when i get back... depending on the time of course.
ach i really dislike this part of my course... it's not so bad when it's a really good assignment, but neither of them have been particularly great this term... ah well - roll on the hoildays... |
posted by TLT @ 12:17 pm |
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 |
*awake* |
so yeh - today i had a lot of Christmas 2005 firsts... * I got my advent calander from mum via dad *grin* * I saw the first set of domestic christmas lights... christmas tree, lights, the lot... *eeeek* * the first pressie which i've ordered for someone for Christmas arrived today, so it feels as though i've actually started my shopping now...
that aside group was ok tonight, i managed to read some commentry stuff for my latest essay, dad took me to tesco on the way home which means i now have fresh food (and nice crusty bread to go along with the home made soup mum sent down for me today *grin*), i'm wearing my new pj bottoms *grin* and me and dad have decided to go to the cinema tomorrow night to see HP4 (again *yay*) - dad's not seen it yet, but i don't mind seeing it again and its the only one that was appropriate time wise...
anyway - i suppose i should try 'n sleep.... |
posted by TLT @ 12:25 am |
Monday, November 28, 2005 |
procrastinating... |
yup... been reading the bbc new sites in a bid to yet again delay any actual study. Really not in the mood... but i really need to force myself into the mood... so once i've done this and brushed my teeth i HAVE to sit down and do some work. Not got many plans today... just study and other bits and pieces around the flat and then I also have to go to work tonight... which will be good. It always is. *grin*.
Right ok... so as i tried to explain to mum last night, yesterday started off fine, then got crap, then was okish, then was crap again and then was good and then even better... I'd say that was a fair summary... let me explain...
started off having to carry heavy carrier bags with bottles of juice etc for Anathallo at night to the bus stop (which is around a 5-10 min walk in itself) which isn't a huge deal... but i got there to then realise that i didn't have my mobile, something which i wasn't particularly bothered by at the time. The mobile is a luxary, not a necessity. So yeh... went to work and was setting everything up on my own as usual and chatting to various peeps and so on, and just 5 mins before the service was about to start i made some comment to Ann about the fact that Andy (the only other Bible Class leader for yesterday morning and the leader that was meant to be leading the session) hadn't actually shown face yet and she made some comment about him probably running late or something... but anyway, so I then went into the church where all of the young people were and I mentioned the fact that Andy wasn't here yet to George who was at the front getting ready to do the intimation and he mentioned that Ruth (who Andy would have been getting a lift to church with) was already sitting up at the back of the church... so i went to ask her where he was and she just looked at me and said 'he's ill in bed and not coming. he said he had texted you' *ARGH* - this is literally 30 secs before the service is about to start... Sheena had just come in and i told her what had happened and she offered to come out with me otherwise i wuld have been forced to cancel the session for Child Protection reasons. So then of course i quickly dash out of the church (and almost fall and break my neck to the yp's amusement on my way past the chancel) and have like 10 mins to come up with a lesson with out any of my usual resources... no computer, no books, nothing... i had a look in the church cupboard but wasn't wowed by any of it... so decided to do something similar to what i did with inspired on Thursday night but with different songs... so i got them to think about Christmas and our preception of christmas 'n stuff and then at the end got them to create a poster which allowed for them to show how they wished people would associate themselves with Christmas... so it was ok in the end i guess and i was extremely thankful that Sheena offered to come out with me... Just as well i had my ipod really... otherwise i wouldn't have had songs either. So yeh after an ever so slightly stressful morning i got back to the flat to find a text message from andy but he hadn't sent it until like 10:15am by which time i was on the bus to work, so even if i had my phone i doubt i'd have been much better off... plus of course the fact that he had been ill before he'd gone to bed... part of me wishes he'd just have warned me the night before - that way i could have preped something a bit better... but that's jsut how it goes sometimes... so when i eventually settled down in the afternoon after doing some other bits and pieces for church i was in no mood to study, so i didn't... can't actually remember what i did... i just remember feeling cold and wanting to snuggle up under the blankets... and i had not had work in less that an hour i probably would have!!!!!! So, headed back to work... took my guitar so that i wouldn't have to take it tonight, and had to wait over 30 mins for a bus *less than impressed* and then when i eventually got to work I arrived in the williamson hall (which is the one that we have Anathallo in) to find that the last occupants of the hall had left it with glitter, fluff, bits of paper and all sorts of skank all over the floor... REALLY wasn't impressed by that... so had to go and find the hoover and attempt to hoover that up... 20 mins later and the carpet was still quite skanky... they had obviously rubbed it right into the carpet... mingin'. I dunno what it is... but i've always been brought up that if you make a mess then you clean it up... am i the only one who does this in the church?! annnnnnnnnyway, so then i decided to set up the projector and laptop etc to find that the individual who had borrowed Anathallo's adaptor on Monday night had not returned it to its original place and neither Iain, Harvey nor I knew where it was or could find it anywher in the church... *again less than impressed* am i the only person who borrows things and then puts them back where i got them??? So yeh... phoned Heather and got her to take an extension block with her... so that was fine although still need to find the other one... then Heather arrived and we prayed... i managed to break one of the bean bags... i think we're gonna empty out some of the balls coz thats the second one thats gone - i reckon they're maybe just too full.... anyway she was shattered having just come back from a CU weekend... in fact she was quite funny - i swear she almost felll asleep during the service a couple of times *hehe* but me and pammie were up for prodding her every so often *wink* Service was ok... but i was cold and tired and just... i dunno. But then we went through for Anathallo and got everything sorted and from that moment on both of us we full of energy and completely going for it... was great and Heather's first go at leading the session was good and we had great group discussion times... So yeh - i enjoyed it... was fabby *grin* especially having one of the guys in my group - he was a laugh... so was good night in the end, and then the nice bus driver stopped for me even though i wasn't quite at the bus stop which i thought was nice... so that was pretty much my day....
came back here - got back late and made dinner - spoke to mum on the phone 'n made some more cards coz i was no longer sleepy, while of course watching 'Cheaper by the Dozen' which was an ok film... but yeh think i made another 10 cards last night - so not doing too badly... But yeh... i should go start studying.. |
posted by TLT @ 10:56 am |
Saturday, November 26, 2005 |
productive or not? |
lol... so today I got up and went to the Guild's coffee morning which was ok... i think Sheena just about had a heart attack coz i had a cup of tea which was quite amusing... Anyway so yeah... the rest of the day really should have been spent studying... but still not inspired *oops* so instead I sat and watched films and made Christmas cards at the same time.... have to make around 90 i reckon... managed to make 35 so far today... so not going too badly i guess.. it's just one of these time consuming things i guess... Was nice and relaxing though... but yeh... really do need to sit 'n do some work tomorrow though.
thats just how it goes...
anyway - too late to study now so me thinks i'm gonna do some more cards and watch another Micheal Moore documentary film... |
posted by TLT @ 9:31 pm |
Friday, November 25, 2005 |
*sooooooo tired* |
it's been a mixed day... been working away steadily although didn't really do much for my next assignment except read the passage (Romans 8:1-17 if anyone's interested) a few times and then got get some books from the Library on Paul and Romans and that's pretty much it... not feeling overly inspired by it at the moment in all honesty - but then i'm normal like that when it comes to an exegesis... I'll still down and do some serious work tomorrow though... things with Exegesis' are that they are a process... you got to do quite a bit of prep before you you write... but once you start writing you can just keep going... well usually anyway. So yeah that'll be one of my major things for tomorrow... Anyway - like i said got a lot of other things done... got a lot of paperwork sorted and filed - had a HUGE pile from like since before the summer... shocking i know! But yeah... So then i came across this convo about faith and whether there was one god or many gods and whether Christianity was just one of many faiths that got you to heaven... and i'm not going to lie, i was finding the whole thing abosulely frustrating coz Yin was completely putting words in my mouth and being completely patronising and so unbelievably liberal!!!!!!! I cracked... just left it... (they were all being completely pluralistic btw and saying that if you're a hindu then you'd still get to heaven 'n stuff) - so frustrating... then headed off to the cinema only to walk down in the wet to find that the film we wanted to see was full *wasn't impressed* and there wasn't really anything else... atlhough i would quite happily have seen HP4 again - but emily wanted to come home again... so home we came... so like i say... ended up working 'n filing stuff instead... not the most amusing evening, but that's how it goes i suppose... gotta be up early-ish tomorrow - Guild coffee morning... i'm sure that'll be amusing - fresh baking never goes wrong *grin*
anyway... i should go... before i wake up too much. |
posted by TLT @ 11:15 pm |
*cold and wet* |
blurgh... it looks miserable outside... was going to go to the cinema tonight, but if the weather keeps it up like this then i won't be going anywhere!!!! If it was snowing then at least it would be worth it, but it's not *not impressed* it's just mingin' and wet... ah well... so anyway, sorry for the lack of update yesterday... 'twas a very busy day... was in college all day... morning class was very interesting - first bit was about demonic stuff and how we should react to that especially in the context of other religions 'n stuff... and then we were looking at contextual representations of Jesus from different cultures and what we thought of them 'n stuff... was interesting... then we had ethics class in the afternoon... i'd like to point out however that sooooo many people didn't turn up to the morning class yesterday coz they hadn't finished their essays... but yeh... wasn't so bad in the afternoon class i don't think... didn't really notice.. The class was ok, but it was business ethics which doesn't press buttons with me as say bioethics... so i wasn't too fussed... was interesting though... and then we had placement seminar which was ok... although nice and short for a change 'n we got to go early *grins* but yeah after that i headed to work and had Pammie 'n Lois practicing a harmony for singing Away in a Manger at the Agape meal... first time either of them have done this sort of thing but they were doing really well!!!! Was well impressed *grined* and then after a wee while Lauren came in too and she sang the melody over the top - sounded really nice... so yeah.. was good... then we had Inspired was good... i got them all to listen to 3 songs, each song representing a different side to Christmas because i wanted them to really think about what they want to get across with the sketch they're making up for the Christmas service on the 18th... was good and we had a good discussion about Christmas and the whole commercial side vs the Christian side and also the fact that there are those less fortunate than us... so it was good... So i reckon they'll do well to come up with something next week so they can then start practicing it...
Today however has been less than inspiring so far... Have just been working through my 'to-do-list' and i have to say that there's not anything particularly interesting on it... although I need to go and do some prep for work now that i've done my Ref report etc for college... *joy* ah well... you have to have paperwork too, that's just how it goes...
laters... |
posted by TLT @ 2:01 pm |
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 |
*day off at last* |
so yeah... coz i had finished my essay i gave myself a day off today... it could have been another study day in that strictly speaking i should have read for tomorrows classes, but i really needed the time off... and anyway it wasn't a complete day off in that i had an afternoon meeting with iain... but yeh... went to see HP4 again tonight instead of studying.... but i've been getting moaned at by Cherie for my lack of time off recently so i'm sure that she won't be complaining *grins* i doubt anyone will have done the reading for tomorrow's classes as we all have that essay which is due in tomorrow... its usual practice for certain individuals to still be writing on the day the essays are due so it's possible that classes may be quite quiet tomorrow *hehe*...
anyway - just been doing some online christmas shopping *grins* it's all fun... i really need to go and do proper christmas shopping at some point though... am organised for some people this year, but completely clueless for others, which never helps...
anyway i should really try 'n sleep... was sooooo sleepy earlier but then i got side-tracked... hate it when that happens!!! |
posted by TLT @ 11:56 pm |
Have just finished my essay!!! *yay*!!!! it's been a nightmare, and i'm eternally grateful for those who have put up with me while i've been trying to do it over the past few days!!!! Hopefully it'll pass ok and i won't have to look at it ever again!!!!!
not much really happened today... classes all day... NT was really interesting... was all about the 'new perspective' on Paul... is quite 'messy' and complicated but was still quite interesting... then had our Matt Hall class in the afternoon... i'm telling you though that guy just seems to make things out to be soooooo much more complicated than they need to be - 99.9% of the time we're all sitting there thoroughly confused!!!!!!!! and the irony of is all is that he is trying to 'keep it simple' - makes you laugh really *hehe*
Anyway - so that aside... this is how it goes... spent the WHOLE evening doing this essay and having my mum check grammer 'n all sorts... but i think eventually it is done. Which means tomorrow i can concentrate on doing the churchy stuff i need to do, and it gives me a 'break' before i start getting books out etc for the next essay on Friday... you never know, i might actually treat myself to the cinema tomorrow night... that would be fun - i've managed to do this essay in record time so i reckon i deserve it!!! *hehe*
anyways... bed... |
posted by TLT @ 12:58 am |
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 |
worrying times... |
ok... so Emily has a huge obsession with fudges... and now Kat seems to be writing 'amusing' songs to the tune of jingle bells in a bid to overcome boredom in our NT class... i think we're all slowy going mad... HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! |
posted by TLT @ 12:28 pm |
beginning to breath again... |
Well today as you have already gathered has been yet again one of madness... i spent most of it studying for this ethics essay, and then got very confused as to what i was ACTUALLY meant to be doing for the essay coz the course leader completely confused me... I mean i was REALLY confused... so i went and found him and got him to explain to me exactly what he wanted in the essay... so yeah... i think i got my head around it eventually... but of course didn't have long before i headed out to work. Dad picked me up and we went to Costco's for dinner... and I started my christmas shopping!!!! *hehe* well sorta... we had a chicken bake each - never had one of them before - they're actually really nice!!!! So yeh... poor dad had to endure my constant grumbling about the issues that are currently buggin me in life at the moment... *poor him* but I think that i was just stressed with so much going on... anyway - so go to work... had a 'confidential' meeting with George... which was really funny because when anyone ever walked into the room both of us would immediately stop talking... but yeh... we gave up in the end and went into another room coz Gillian arrived to set up her drums... but yeh... So the meeting was ok... didn't really tell me anything new in all honesty...
So then was Youth Band... Was good... and i sorta randomly gave them this pep talk about how just because other people in the church don't 'get' or understand the type of worship that the young people do doesn't mean to say that the young people should change... and that they shouldn't let themselves be moulded into what the church already has... so yeah... but apart from that they girls decided that they're up for doing a Christmas Carol at the Agape meal... they decided to opt for the easy song 'Away in a Manger' - but i think we're gonna try some harmonies with it.. it'll be the first time that the girls have really attempted harmonies before now... but i think that's quite exciting in a way *grin*. Other than that we had a great night of playing songs 'n praying and it was just fabby...
then i got home... and guess what??? I studied for this blimin' essay... see if i don't pass i may indeed cry. it's after 1am and i'm tired and i ache... but i've written over 1,000 words of a 1,200 word essay... and i think i've more or less formed my arguments... So it just means that after my brain dump of tonight, that the next 2 days are going to be me tearing it to shreads and putting it back together again... should be fun i'm sure. i think it'll be amusing to read it tomorrow... it never ceases to amaze me how something sounds so good the night before, and then you read it the next day and it just sounds like absolute pants.
anyway - my bed is calling... |
posted by TLT @ 1:10 am |
Monday, November 21, 2005 |
*bored* |
have spent the last 3 hours reading for this essay again... and in all honesty i'm just getting bored with it... I really hope that i can start writing it before i leave to go to work tonight... at least that way i'll feel as though i've actually accomplished something... the quicker i get this essay done, the quicker i can start the next one and get it done... and so the process goes on. The annoying thing of course is that i have a killer of a headache - which in all honesty is just making me want to curl up in a ball in bed, or at least read something a little less intense than Ethics... i don't think anything has really gone in this morning... but annoyingly enough it has to be done. Am looking forward to youth band tonight - although i reckon that Harvey won't have put the full heat on so it's gonna be cold *not impressed* - but that's just how it is sometimes.
*argh* my head hurts. |
posted by TLT @ 1:09 pm |
*mixed* continued... |
what's happening??? who knows... apparently quite a bit that was told to me this morning wasn't 'completely' true... Blah. sometimes i wonder why on earth i put up with working in a church... At least maybe now things will be done in the open thought rather than all this secrecy business. |
posted by TLT @ 12:16 am |
Sunday, November 20, 2005 |
JCB song... |
perhaps the next Christmas Number 1!!!! *hehe*
what do ya think???
The JCB song
posted by TLT @ 11:10 pm |
*mixed* |
right ok... get ready for a loooooooooooong post... it's been a 'weird' day today so far... some things i'm really hyped about (good thing) other things i'm really sad about, and some things have left me utterly frustrated, but not, coz i have this sorta peace at the same time, and other things have left me feeling sort of betrayed. See - i told you this was going to be a long post... Although i need to do it quickly coz i have much to be doing this afternoon as usual...
right ok... so generally the day started well - thought i was going to be late for the bus because i couldn't find my purple book for bible class (still haven't) but wasn't *was pleased* and walking along listening to worship songs always gets me focused on God and ready to start the day and be a witness for him...
then... i walk into the church only for Iain (minster) to walk in 2 mins later to annouce to the room that Margaret Guthrie (our church organist) died on the early hours of Saturday morning. She's been fighting cancer for a long time now, but this was completely unexpected, even by the docs. She had been away on holiday with her brother last week and they had returned early on Friday because she wasn't feeling all that well... but she passed away during the night at the hospital. So that came as a bit of a shock to everyone... coz i mean she was playing the piano etc at church just the other week. In a way, i think it was probably better for her to have gone rather than stayed and endured months more of pain...*sad*
Then i'm greeted by Dave Munro who is involved in the children's work in the church... i've never seen him as ajitated as he was... normally he's quite a calm and collected person, but i could tell he was a bit hacked off about something... turns out that on Wednesday night the Kirk Session of the church voted in favour of getting another student next year instead of persuing a permanent post (either PT or FT)... He was absolutely gutted, and i think he was expecting me to join him in that... And it has left me feeling slightly frustrated at the stupidity of the situation but i realise that there's no point in me getting really angry about it... As far as i'm concerned the majority of the people who made that decision know NOTHING about young work... and i really feel for the young people... apparently the general concensus by the KS was that there's no point in making a huge investment in young people because once they're of age they head off to uni and you don't see them again - and that just, in all honesty, really saddens me... apparently there was a real lack of spirituality which i can believe... it gets to me that these people lack faith so much. The Church will never move forward without exercising a little faith and taking some 'risks'. I then proceeded to have another 2 other completely seperate individuals come up to me at different points over the morning sharing their frustration over this decision... one of whom seriously urged me to consider a PT position with the posibility of looking at a PT job of some sort in another area... I dunno... as I've said all along, i'm looking to God to direct me through this... but me aside - SERIOUSLY, they NEED to consider the damage that this will do... if they rebound onto a first year student every 3 years then the ministry at Kenmure will not survive. Part of me just can't see how a 1st year student could take on and develop the minsitry which i had to build from scratch. part of me knows that whatever happens God is Sovreign over all, and it's out of my hands, so there's no point in me getting worked up over it... so this frustration vs. a strange sense of peace over the whole thing is just weird.
betrayal... this is where Sheena and George come in. Neither of them so much as mentioned the vote to me when i was at their's on Thursday night, despite the fact that George is the Session Clark and so would have been involved in the vote... instead i had to find it out from some random person at church. That sorta hurts. They could have at least said something.... it's not like KS meetings are confidential. In fact i'm in 2 minds about whether i should go to the next one. i'm doing a presentation at the one in january... which now i envisage it being a 'well this is what i've done for the past 3 years, but you're about to knock the knees out of it and destroy it so congratulations' presentation. At Kenmure there's a need for so much to happen, in family ministry, pastoral visits, schools work... none of this can happen if the KS decides that their young people aren't WORTH having the best, but instead having a trainee all the time...
they've been lucky with me... but not every student at the ICC are 'gold'... i'm not trying to big myself up here... but it is a fact that every year i've been here at least a quarter of the youth min students have dropped out by christmas or easter... and half of those left only see their work as a job, not as a calling... it's individuals like these that don't make the extra effort to get to know the new guy, or meet up for coffee with the girl who seems to be really low about stuff, or who makes an effort to provide extra activities outside the church in order to help the young people to have a wholesome experience of faith... instead these individuals clock their hours and refuse to work past their 20 hours... IF that... the bottom line is that at the moment Kenmure requires more than 20 hours... and with the situations i've been dealing over the past 8 months, they need someone who has experience not a newbie...
essentially i'm willing to put all of this in God's hands... I won't be there... if the minstry flops, then maybe that's the warning sign that the KS need to get their act into gear... but seeing as i've now witnessed their lack of seeing the importance in young people, i don't think that they'd even be worried about that 'warning sign'. sucks.
so yeh... there been all the junk that's currently circling my head... and now that its taken me like 40 mins to write that, it means that i only have and hour and a half to get all my stuff together for anathallo and get back to church *joy* |
posted by TLT @ 2:12 pm |
Saturday, November 19, 2005 |
discipline *argh* |
well yesterday was a busy day... I had this HUGE list of stuff to do and i can quite happily say that i actually achieved most of it which was good... had hoped to finish Grenz last night, but between one thing and another i didn't quite manage it... on the last chapter today though *bounces* so i'll be reading that today to get it over and done with... it's an interesting book but it just gives me a headache! So anyway, other than that i have some prep to do for Anathallo tomorrow night... now that can be claimed to be the more 'fun' and relaxing objective for the day so that will be a treat amongst all the madness of studying. I'm waiting for dad to call me... hopefully he's remembering. I'm currently hating the fact that the majority of Amercian sites require a VISA card *not amused* coz i wanted to get these cool DVD resources off of this site with the money that i had left over from the holiday but I couldn't because i realised that they didn't take switch/maestro - was not best pleased... then came across these other amazing resources only to find out the same on that site too... so i wasn't best amused at all. So i asked dad if i could use his card *bounces* which is kl... i'll give him the money back this week... but i'm still waiting... maybe he's forgotten *shrugs* anyway - my brunch is cooking so i had better go get it...
laters. |
posted by TLT @ 11:41 am |
Friday, November 18, 2005 |
woop! |
it's like -3 degrees outside *grin*
i really hope that we get snow down in Glasgow this year... it would be really fun to have one of those snow storms so that we can't go anywhere or do anything... not had one of those down here ever... miss that at home *sad*
anyway... i should go work *lol* |
posted by TLT @ 11:28 am |
*thoughts* |
hmmm... My supervisor said something to me last night - and although it didn't particularly bother me so much last night and doesn't really bother me now, it's still not sitting right with me... and i really don't know why coz i mean as far as i'm concerned he doesn't really know what he's talking about when it comes to this sort of thing... Well at least he'd think that he does, but i guess that's a differing in opinion which is bound to happen... but it's just, och i dunno...
Basically, we were talking about how the Youth service on Sunday night went... now i should at this point tell you that he, recently, has sort been the person 'leading' the worship... He sings and plays his guitar at most of the services... although I personally, as an individual who has a great passion for worship through music and having had many great experiences when it comes to worship would argue that (despite his opinions) he's not a worship leader. Yes he can lead the congregation in singing songs and give them a vocal lead... but as time goes on i'm beginning to believe that to lead worship in the most unrestricted and open sense you need to have that 'gift' and in him i just don't see it... doesn't mean that what he does is less adequate or anything, but it's just a case of, i dunno... i don't want to sound judgemental, but the way the kids and i lead worship i could see that he would be 'uncomfortable' because we just worship God openly and in so dong so lead the congregation with us... which is something he's commented to me about before when we were at a catalyst when he told me that he thought people were 'showing off' in raising their hands in the first few songs, which i was like how can you judge like that?!?!?!?! i mean i have no quams about raising hands, going down on my knees, whatever i feel like i'm moved to do at the time... BUT Kenmure is a more traditional church and i rarely see acts of 'emotion' amongst the folk. Doesn't mean that there is no emotion, and i realise that, but that doesn't mean that acts of emotion showed be frowned upon when they occured either...
I mean Sunday night was amazing... It's the first time that i've personally felt liberated in worship at Kenmure... the same for the young people... and for the first time i saw quite a few people raising their hands in worship to God during the songs which we played... and when some particular individuals came up to me at the end they were just so excited that the service had happened 'n stuff... Even the more skeptical were just glowing from the experience.
but back to my supervisors comment... He told me that he felt that "Blessed be Your name" in a word 'flopped' a bit... (which in honesty i didn't think it had... in fact that was one of the songs i got postive comments about from one of the more skeptical folks...) He went on to say that he didn't feel that some songs translated well from Album to church (which i laughed at - although in my head, not out loud), which i was just like "whit?!", and then proceeded to tell him that i don't even HAVE that song on an album... I've only learned it through singing it at other worship events with the young people.... *lol* he then sort of went on to explain, what i sorta felt was a harsh comment and said that he felt it was a bit long for church and i was like well that's just how long the song is... aparently he felt it was a bit 'bitty' coz there's a brigde 'n stuff... *shakes head*... but i mean that just points out to me that he just doens't understand... The purpose of the young people playing at church is to share the passion for worship which God has put in each of their hearts. Their contribution was never MEANT to be like a 'normal' service... it's meant to be them showing the congregation how we worship every Monday night... and if he missed that, then it's something he should perhaps think over...
anyway... i dunno... this is just life at Kenmure i guess... it ain't all a bed of roses you know... in fact it's hardly ever a bed of roses *lol* but that's just ministry *wink*
this all asside i woke up to the builders building scaffolfing outside my windoww again this morning *isn't impressed* just in time for me to be writing essays again *grrrrrrrr* they're sooooo noisy and sooooooo nosey... so you can be betting that i won't be opening my curtains until they disappear again... although it's not looking hopeful this will be soon coz they've got a portahut with them this time :( ah well... need to go - much to do today... |
posted by TLT @ 10:28 am |
HP4... |
just back from seeing HP4 - the Goblet of Fire, and i have to say that i absolutely loved it... granted its dark in places as expected, but lots of humour, and well i just thought it was fabby *grin*
anyway i guess i should go sleep now... *hehe* |
posted by TLT @ 3:13 am |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 |
Caption competition... |

Have been meaning to put this online like forever... But if you remember correctly i had a loud of lovely work men able to see directly into my room for a few months as they did some work on the building across the street.... well once they had finished the scaffolding disappeared, but for some reason they left the door...
so the result is a door which is 4 floors up from ground level - and directly across from my room...
so come on... give me the best captions you have!!!!! There may be a prize if i'm impressed enough!!! *heheh* |
posted by TLT @ 8:17 pm |
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 |
plodding along. |
am bored... and i'm sorta getting a sore head again *doh*. But class this morning was ok... was all to do with Sacrificial foods 'n Paul's opinion of Christians eating etc it in 1st Corinthians... was quite interesting... Was then looking at Colossians at the end, but he lost me half way through... i was totally switched off... *lol* ah well. Anyway am having a long lunch hour coz we don't have class until 2:30pm... may do some reading, but really want to get my head sorted first... but i finished the baubles for mum... she had another 2 orders for me... so i'll try 'n remember to package them for dad to take back to Kemnay with him *grin* ah it's all good... nothing else out of the ordinary really happened... dad's coming over tonight though... think i'm gonna cook again... and he's gonna change my guitar strings 'n i'm gonna see if he can take me to tesco. *thinks she should really write a list before she ends up forgetting stuff again*
*hehe* sitting watching friends... so funny *hehe*
anyway - i should go get myself ready for class.. *grin* |
posted by TLT @ 1:46 pm |
Monday, November 14, 2005 |
thoughts... |
you know how sometimes you think that people just don't get that you're human too????? I've feeling like that at work recently... it's like people don't mind piling all the pressure on me because i'm the 'trainee' and i'm the one being 'paid' to do all the extra stuff... but sometimes they just take it too far... i even told certain people that i was really beginning to struggle and they just shrugged it off... very annoying. But then one of the young people comes along and apologises for something they said to me like a week ago and something which i wasn't even bothered by at the time... but it was the fact that she realised that i too was a person with feelings 'n stuff... it's not that she didn't know it before, but it was like... well i just know that it took a lot for her to say it to me in the first place... and i appreciated it.
I don't care what anyone says... Kenmure are lucky to have the young people that they do, and they need to SERIOUSLY start investing in them... another student just ain't gonna cut it. |
posted by TLT @ 11:17 pm |
pure lazy... |
ok so it's been a busy day... spent most of the afternoon cleaning up the stuff lying all over my room a bit and then of course i had another proposal to do for class... which the way this lecturer wants it is just plain weird and confusing... and to a degree we'd be as well be WRITING the stupid essay!!!! *duh* so anyway have made an attempt at that for tomorrow *blah* but i'm just confused...
other than that i've been looking at Keyboards, coz i need to price them and put an application into the board asking for one primarily for the youth band... hopefully they'll get a decent one and not a cheapo one... but i have no idea about keyboards at all so in my honest opinion its abosolutely pointless having ME be the person to do the research... *duh* but yeah so that's just how it goes...
other than that we had Youth band tonight... and Gillian brought her drums, but it was good... i really enjoyed her having them there... she was hitting them rather loudly and randomly at the start which was close to making things difficult but it was ok... but yeah, generally a good practice... they're doing pretty well with the new ones now, so i think i may get some more sorted for next week...
Not much else to report in all truth... Have classes tomorrow... i'm sure that'll be fun. Should really go and do my reading for the first class before i go to bed... there's not that much to do i don't think *grin*
Anyway - for now the pressure is off at work... so that's a nice change... really wasn't coping very well there for a bit... things can only get easier from here... |
posted by TLT @ 10:35 pm |
Sunday, November 13, 2005 |
God is good |
it's been a good weekend... an absolutely knackering one... but good... no wait, great all the same *grin*
We raised another £36 pounds today with selling cards 'n left over baking... so it's fabby. almost at £350 now *grin*
But yeah... got to work tonight to find that the piano wasn't working... the red light was on, although the other lights weren't on and there was just no sound coming from it at all... was seriously beginning to think that there was something major wrong... i mean it just wasn't right at all... and we considered the 'half power' issue but the projector 'n all that stuff were working... was just really weird. So anyway - we arranging for another keyboard to be borrowed instead, but as we practiced i got Sarah to just play on the piano so that she could practice anyway (i know she couldn't hear, but it was just to boost her confidence), and half way through 'Blessed be your name' all the lights suddenly got brighter 'n the piano started working!!!! i just shouted "Hallelujah" and the other yp clocked what had happened... so we really were singing out praise after that!! !*hehe* and all the yp were just hyper *hehe* so they were really confident 'n stuff for the service, so it went really well... no major mistakes and the boys did a grand job with the powerpoint... Iain was on form with his preaching too - so it all came together really well *grin*... got lots of positive feedback too *hehe* so it's all good...
then we had Anathallo which again was great.... Tonight was 'Who is Jesus?' so it was great just going really deep into that conversation with such a variety of young people!!! Just so exciting... and hearing them express themselves and their faith... well i just can't help but grin... was good... although the comical part of the night was when i asked my small group about what they thought people thought of Jesus when he said 'I am the bread of life' and what they thought it meant 'n stuff... and then Pammie went into this explanation in which she started laughing coz she was confusing herself and then it got to the point that we thought she was talking about a Jesus being a man made of bread... was verrrrrrrrrry funnny *hehe*
Anyway - i have like soooo much work to do tomorrow for college - particularly another essay proposal for another class... ablthough this one has to be more detailed - so i'll be spending most of my day doing that *blaH* before work at night *yay* |
posted by TLT @ 11:06 pm |
Saturday, November 12, 2005 |
stolen from mack... |
(this is just a bit of fun, so have a go... you owe me dad!!! you got your long entry!!!!! :-P)
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad.
When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your LJ and be surprised (or mortified) by what people remember about you! |
posted by TLT @ 11:27 pm |
good days... |
today has been incredibly tiring but really good... the coffee morning today was great... everything just went soooo well and the power stayed on too which was an added bonus - God is good....
In fact, so far we've raised over £300 which is just awesome... never imagined to make so much!!! The kids did so well and everyone worked as a team and really shone for God. It was great *grin*
but anyway - once mum 'n dad went home i ended up crashing... fell asleep 'n dozed while watching friends for a bit.... hehe... ah well - then Em 'n I headed off to the cinema for the evening... today's choices were, wallace and gromit and 'in her shoes'... wallace and gromit was good as usual good humour - liked it muchly... and i think 'in her shoes' will be one that i'll be buying when it comes out on DVD - i think it's a really good film...
but yeah. Have just been watching some of the DVDs i've created over time which show all the activies we've gotten up to at Kenmure over the past 2 years... it's really weird to think that i won't be here this time next year and of course the fact that i don't even know where i'll be... I guess that's just part of faith tho... :)
oop. Christmas song just came on *hehe* - according to Pamela its 41 days... oh man that's sad... and i have soooo much happening between now and then!!!! One step at a time though huh? anyway - tomorrow is gonna be averagely busy... Got church in the morning - Rememberance Service, so no prep for me *grin* and then back to work early at night coz the youth band are playing... prayers for that would really be appreciated, that it would go well and that folks would be patient with the kids...
yeh... so i'm gonna potter about for a bit and then head to bed... hope you're all well 'n happy *grin* |
posted by TLT @ 11:17 pm |
Friday, November 11, 2005 |
busy busy busy |
it's just been one of those days of everything happening at once... blah. It's ok thought - i'm relatively upbeat about everything. My head is STILL pounding despite a desperate attempt to take pills to dull it about, but that's just how it goes... a good walk in the windy fresh air didn't even help, much. But yeh. So as far as i know the church is STILL on half power... it's all a tad odd. Although the man assured Harvey that we would have power by the end of the night, but these people are always lying through their teeth... but you never know, by the time i get there tonight the power may actually be back to normal... I can live in hope at least... Essentially the lights in the big hall don't matter tooooo much for the morning - but it would be nice to at least have everything else that is required working... *prays* Anyway, i made up this groovy playlist for the coffee morning... the young folk said they wanted a mix of christmas stuff and worship stuff... so their wish is my command... i'm sure it'll be an amusing morning with the music alone *hehe*. But anyway, the plan is for it to be an early start... although dad 'n mum 'n me are going shopping tonight for stuff for the pancakes 'n stuff. So thats good. We'll go 'n drop it off at the church and then maybe i'll be able to get some of the stuff set up so we don't have to do it ALL in the morning...
ooooooooooooooooop - i got my impact jumper today *finally* 'tis very comfy!!! *hehe* says 'Phil 2:15, TLT' on the back... the Phil 2:15 bit is the passage in Philippians which talks about shining like stars in the darkness... That has to be like my FAVE scripture... and we had it as our 'theme' at Cumnock this year... so i got it put on my jumper this time *grin* am well pleased with how it's turned out!
oooooooo and i had fun laminating with Em's laminator today too *amused* and i managed to do it without any hitches at all... it's all good *hehe* anyway i guess i should go 'n make sure that i have everything i need, coz at the moment i'm VERY likely to have forgotten not one thing, but many things...... |
posted by TLT @ 5:50 pm |
Thursday, November 10, 2005 |
headache... |
well my headache is still here.. in fact it's been getting steadily worse throughout the day... so this ain't going to be an overly long entry coz i'm heading to bed. *then remembers that she has a reflection report to write before she can go to bed* blah...
so yeh... was an ok day as far as college goes... was really interesting... which made the headache bearable... then had a manic *AH I NEED TO GET EVERYTHING SORTED FOR GROUP* moment... so i was doing that until dad arrived to pick me up to take me to work... so the result was that i headed off to would without food... *tummy grumbles* so i currently have a frozen meal in the microwave... so unhealthy i know, but that's just life. anyway got to church only to be told by Harvey that the power for the building was on half power and that meant that the big hall lights weren't working which meant completely re-jigging inspired... no dancing or any normal stuff at all really... instead i had them in one of the rooms upstairs decorating baubles for Saturday and then we talked about saturday and finalised some stuff... so it's all sorted... although i have a lot of loose ends to chase tomorrow, not least getting change for a float *hmmm* but yeh... all madness.
am v tired... got food now though... so going to to eat. |
posted by TLT @ 10:04 pm |
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 |
*panick* |
argh... well today has pretty much been like every other day over the past couple of weeks in that i got up at about 9am... spent the first hour or so reading Grenz, went to a meeting, then went to another meeting, then came back and read the rest of the chapter for today of Grenz, then started my relfective report for Friday, then had a couple of hours out for dinner with dad (Pronto's *yum*), then came back and spent 2 hours in the library working, followed by another 2 hours of frantic *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i need to finish this essay proposal!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Blah. Now that i've finally finished the proposal (i'm convinced i've missed something, but mum seems to think it's ok) i should really start my reading for tomorrow mornings class... but i just don't see it happening... my head it killing me (just taken some pills for it and they're beginning to kick in, *bliss*) and i'm soooooooooooooo tired that you'd think i had run a marathon today! I'm sooooooo looking forward to this term being over!
anyway - dad had a dig at me that i hadn't been updating this enough recently... but i'll try and get back into the habit properly... i promise - but only as time allows!
Dad came for dinner last night and i cooked... was nice. he also gave me all the pics from the holiday... so you never know some pics may appear on here in due course... which i'm sure will be muchly funny in some cases... i've not had a chance to have a proper look through them myself yet! but there's lots *hehe*
anyway... need sleep. |
posted by TLT @ 11:34 pm |
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 |
my life is madness... |
oh man. i apologised for a long gap last time but i really didn't manage to update more often did i??? *oops* It's all harsh. Life has been madness since i got back from the USA. Catching up with college is like a neverending facade... and then of course there's soooooo much happening this weekend at work between the kids coffee morning and the youth band playing Sunday night - but i've got to the stage that i've given that whole thing over to God so that he can make it good. The extra added pressure has been that Didie died just under 2 weeks ago and although in a way it was expected everythings just been happening so quickly so it's taking time to get my head round everything... not quite sure what's happening half the time and quite frankly am soooo forgetful at the moment that its driving me mad!!!!!!!
anyway - that's class starting... so i should go...
laters x |
posted by TLT @ 9:12 am |
About Me |

Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
See my complete profile
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